Medical tourism research papers
Data on costs and benefits of medical tourism are rare and this limits accurate assessments of its effects to inform policy decision-making. Three51,83,111 described the recent outbreak of ndm-1-producing enterobacteriaceae following patients receiving treatment in india, which highlighted some of the dangers of medical tourism and microbial resistance.

10–12,17,26,45–47,52–55,58,59,63,64,67,69,70,72,73,78–81,89,90,92,93,95,107,111,119,121–123,129–133,135 europe was the focus of 27 papers,40,42,44,48–50,57,60–62,65,66,75,76,83,84,91,94,98,100–102,104–106,114,126 with 13 explicitly focusing on the uk42,57,62,65,66,76,83,94,98,101,102,104,114 in their study design and a further 11 papers10,40,43,50,53,90,91,99,105,106,119 from across the entire sample referring to either uk patients or the nhs. Dialogthis title now requires a credituse one of your book credits to continue reading from where you left off, or restart the t l tourism research paperuploaded by vikramaditya rattanrelated interestsjoint commissiontourismhospitalhealth carepublic healthrating and stats0.

Conclusions are presented on current levels of knowledge, critical gaps and future research priorities on medical sthe review was conducted between september and december 2011, considering all papers published by this date, and adapted the strategy employed by smith et al. Similarly, the medical tourism industry and the role of private providers, brokers and marketing remains a ‘black box’.

This issue may be freely reproduced for the purposes of private research and study and extracts (or indeed, the full report) may be included in professional journals provided that suitable acknowledgement is made and the reproduction is not associated with any form of advertising. In 2010 and 2011, five journals devoted special editions to medical tourism: global social policy, body and society, anthropology and medicine, tourism review and signs.

Together with a rise in out-of-pocket expenditures for health in many high-income countries at a time of economic crisis, these factors (travel, communication, consistency of care, cost and an increased acceptance of the portability of health care) conspire to form a perfect storm for medical a consequence, even in countries with a universal public health-care system, such as the uk nhs, patients are now travelling abroad to receive medical treatment. Subset of papers reviewed focused on specific types of medical ra travela number of studies refer to a group of medical travellers classified as diaspora travellers.

Issues highlighted include the potential for medical tourism to result in the retention of doctors in, or attraction of doctors to, low- and middle-income countries, thus preventing or reversing a brain drain, and to generate foreign currency. Sixteen papers44,47,57,59,60,72,74,79,98,100,106,113,114,129,130,132 were identified for inclusion in this review; seven59,74,79,113,129,130,132 focused on equity and ethical issues relating to fertility tourism, including the rights of women in recipient papers57,98,106,114 specifically examined cross-border reproductive care (cbrc) in europe.

With medical tourists with their higher purchasing power likely to increase the cost of health services and lessen access in the public papers cited similar figures for patient flow but often sources were not accessible or figures were based on media reports or on other academic papers, which in turn quoted inaccessible sources. 42–45,47,50–52,54–57,59–61,64,67–78,80–95,97,99,102–104,107–121,123,125–127,129–133 this underlines the increase in medical travel and its importance as an issue in uk health-care of studies reviewedpapers included in the review were classified into the following categories:empirical: denoting papers based on primary research, interviews, surveys, analysis of data sets, or the calculation of revenue and tourist flows, and case studies of patientsreviews: literature, scoping and systematic reviews of medical tourism websitesanalysis: papers that, although drawing on secondary sources, provide substantive new insights or conceptualise medical tourism in a new way (a number of papers presented frameworks)overview articles: papers that give an introduction to the issue of medical results are summarised in appendix 12 (see figure 10).

Subthemes as distinct areas covered by research were evident from the review, such as diaspora or fertility travel or travel for bariatric surgery or dental or cosmetic work. E all the facts it can be concluded that india has a potential to attract medical tourist from all over the world and global opportunities in the medical tourism l, surgery, treatment, of medical tourism is bright and is considered as one for growing indian economy.
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Four papers8,46,75,94 analysed policy processes and challenges to trade in health actual volume of trade (the flow of medical patients) was referred to in many papers but investigated in few. Issues of higher education in pakistan urdu news papers miriam balmuth female education essay essay cover sheet format in excel.
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These ‘push factors’ may in themselves hold valuable lessons that reflect on the is a need for research to assess the long-term health outcomes of medical travellers to fully understand the effects on individual and population ght © queen’s printer and controller of hmso 2014. Many overview papers mentioned the investment by us providers in asian hospital groups without explicitly exploring this (gats mode 3).

Rather, the literature points to a complex matrix of perceptions of care, waiting times, cost and other different types of medical travel allow some inferences about patient motivation, for example cost or availability in cosmetic procedures, regulation in the case of fertility and so on. The possibility of a large number of uk patients seeking cosmetic surgery abroad appears to be supported by a survey conducted by the british association of plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgeons (bapras),76 which found that 37% of respondents had seen patients in the nhs with complications from overseas he issue of risks to the patient in terms of health outcomes was covered in 30 papers.

Showed the complex motivations for travelling abroad, but concurred with other research that cost of treatment and the greater number of gametes available abroad or more easily accessible gametes played a part in decision-making. Implications for the nhs of inward and outward medical tourism: a policy and economic analysis using literature review and mixed-methods approachesyour browsing activity is ty recording is turned recording back onsee more...

This confirms findings from an earlier review,42 which also noted the lack of information on how the figures in the reports by deloitte consultancy17 and mckinsey12 were body of literature focusing on medical tourism as a trade in health services indicates that further research investigating levels of such trade is needed. Implications for the nhs of inward and outward medical tourism: a policy and economic analysis using literature review and mixed-methods detailshealth services and delivery research, no.

Three papers referred to the role of medical tourism facilitators, drawing on small samples, demonstrating the need for further research in this area, especially to enable regulation or to address the ethical dimensions discussed in the papers reviewed. The authors note the absence of studies and knowledge about patients’ backgrounds and factors motivating their travel, and a gap in the research on the papers57,98,114 explicitly explore the effects on the nhs.