Cannabis research paper
The country is divided into two factions - one being the freedom demanding, marijuana legalizing while the other being the anti-drug, let us crush all the drugs and drug takers. Anecdotal reports suggest that cannabis may alleviate luts, and cannabinoid receptors in the bladder and nervous system are potential pharmacological targets.

Medical marijuana research paper
Efficacy, safety and tolerability of an orally administered cannabis extract in the treatment of spasticity in patients with multiple sclerosis: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study" in the journal multiple sclerosis:"in the 50 patients included into the intention-to-treat analysis set, there were no statistically significant differences associated with active treatment compared to placebo, but trends in favour of active treatment were seen for spasm frequency, mobility and getting to sleep. Marijuana has been used pharmaceutically tracing back all the way to ancient times and is legal to use for medical purposes in the united states.

In fact, “washington and colorado are the first to allow adults to use the drug for recreational purposes” (legalizing marijuana, par 1).... Many health organizations in the world support giving patients instantaneous legal access to medical cannabis under a doctor's supervision.

Marijuana has been illegal since 1937, but there’s never been a bigger push for legalization. Unfortunately, our society has become a very critical crowd towards the legalization of marijuana due to the stereotypical view of the kind of people who are considered “pot smokers”.

Patients and methods: patients with stable ms at 22 uk centres were randomised to oral cannabis extract (ce) (n=144) or placebo (n=135)... Marijuana use helps the compassionate investigational new drug (ind) program patients remain stable and take fewer pharmaceutical russo, md, senior medical advisor at the cannabinoid research institute, et al.

Conclusions: orally administered cannabis extract resulted in no objective or subjective improvement in dyskinesias or parkinsonism. The percentages of oncologists who prescribed or recommended selected antiemetics more than five times between 1992 and 1994 were 98% for 5-ht, antagonists, 6% for dronabinol (marinol), and 1% for smoked marijuana.

Marijuana is a dried plant often smoked like a cigarette or in a bong or pipe. Individuals who had not used cannabis before the first episode of illness were generally indistinguishable from cannabis users at follow-up, except that the latter group evidenced a marked 'sparing' of neurocognitive functions...

Yet in the rest of the country, cannabis is completely illegal and if you are found in possession of the drug, you will be arrested.... According to an article by charles oliver, the harrison school district in colorado has barred a student from attending classes if he takes medicine to control his seizures, states that “the boy was prescribed a lozenge containing thc, the active ingredient in marijuana.

1991 article titled "controlled clinical trial of cannabidiol in huntington's disease," published in the journal pharmacology, biochemistry and behavior:"based on encouraging preliminary findings, cannabidiol (cbd), a major nonpsychotropic constituent of cannabis, was evaluated for symptomatic efficacy and safety in 15 neuroleptic-free patients with huntington's disease (hd). More specifically, we are seeing a change in the attitude toward marijuana and whether or not it should be legalized....

Although some will claim marijuana should not be legalized for medicinal purposes because it has harmful effects and is a gateway drug, i feel that it should be legalized.... In stark contrast to opioids and other available pain medications, cannabis is relatively non-addicting and has the best safety record of any known pain medication (no deaths attributed to overdose or direct effects of medication).

It has been vilified, heralded as a miracle drug by supporters, branded a gateway drug by opponents and proposed as paper, rope and a myriad of other possibilities. During the past 30 years, the thc content of marijuana in the united states has jumped from less than 2 percent in 1980 to 8.

Medicinal use of cannabis has been unearthed for thousands of years as treatment for whooping cough, constipation, lower fevers, and rheumatic pains, to induce sleep, and reduce headaches.... Marijuana is also known to be a gateway drug because it can lead people to do more serious drugs.

2004 article "survey on cannabis use in parkinson's disease," published in the journal movement disorders:"an anonymous questionnaire sent to all patients attending the prague movement disorder centre revealed that 25% of 339 respondents had taken cannabis and 45. The perception that cannabis is a safe drug is a mistaken reaction to a past history of exaggeration of its health risks," hall told live r, he added that marijuana "is not as harmful as other illicit drugs such as amphetamine, cocaine and heroin, with which it is classified under the law in many countries, including the usa.

Published in neurology:"cannabis has immunomodulatory [capable of regulating immune functions] properties and effects upon excitotoxicity [process by which neurons are damaged] that suggest that it might have a disease-modifying role in als [amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, aka lou gehrig's disease]. Haven’t you always been fascinated that something our government restricts and makes illegal could in fact save and help many people who suffer and are in need of help for medical reasons such as cancer patients, aids patients, and those who suffer from depression.

Ms patients using cannabis reported more fatigue, numbness, tingling or pain, and heat sensitivity, and said they were "more disabled". No conclusions on the analgesic efficacy of smoked cannabis on clinical pain states can be made from this study as the relationship between analgesic effects in experimental pain and clinical pain states is unknown.