Literature review on online shopping
Malaysia most affordable online shopping apparel, bags, shoes, sports, books, sleeve, men women series, blouse, accessories and more. Shoppers may save their time in e-shopping because they do not have to go through any effort on travelling to a mall or saving their time in other psychology factors such as traffic jam etc.

Literature review on online advertising
1935 american actor, director, musician 39 kim basinger (s an understanding of internet-based problem shopping behaviour: the concept of online shopping addiction and its proposed predictors. Ordered products are directly delivered to the door is the greatest interest to many consumers because online shopping does not requires us to leave the hours or office (chen and chang, 2003).

Factor that influences the consumer's intention to purchase in online is the previous online shopping experiences. In an offline context, interactivity will be based on the atmosphere of the shopping mall and also the interaction between the consumer and the shop's highlight the term of "atmospheric", consumer's purchasing probability is enhanced through purposefully design the buying environment to produce specific affective responses in shoppers (kotler, 1973-1974).

Monsuwe, delleart and ruyter (2004) states in an online context, lower tangibility of a product is caused by the lack of physical contact and assistance in the shopping process; consumer's intention to shop on the internet will be low when there is a need to seek advice from a salesperson regarding the considered product. Besides that, quality of a product cannot be physically checked by the consumers and the security of sending sensitive personal and financial information while conducting online shopping cannot be monitored by the consumers (lee and turban, 2001).

In the research of el-adly (2007), the factors contribute to shopping mall attractiveness is comfort, entertainment, diversity such as availability and variety of product offered, mall essence such as products' quality, convenience such as ease of reaching the mall and lastly is luxury which includes that popularity of the mall and attractive appearance of the the other hand, store types consists of online shopping which defines as consumers use the online stores until the transactional stage of purchasing and logistic (monsuwe, et al. Purchasing occurs in an online environment especially for products such as apparels, it can't be denied that consumers will have the feeling of unsecure regarding the product information and the actual material and color that they will receive by viewing the display in the website.

Offline consumer behavior online shopping involves no with the help of review of literature such as junhong chu, one literature review sample: online shopping student one engl106 literature review second draft privacy and security issues in online shopping shopping online has never been so easy. In online shopping, it is expected that shoppers are more likely to associate price attractiveness and time saving with their intention to shop while in offline shopping, consumers are more likely to associate tangibility, high interactivity and enjoyment with their intention to shop.

As a result, online marketers or retailers should be aware of the problems faced by the consumers and their perceived risk to increase their intention to shop in online. Works which are irrelevant discarded and those which are peripheral should be looked at of literarture review.

Broekhuizen and huizingh (2009) expected the relationship between time or effort savings and purchase intentions is strengthen; consumers will place more emphasis on the time and effort savings once they have experienced how little time and effort takes to make an online purchase. Online shopping is affected by demographics as it has been seen that are shopping online as compared women online shoppers.

Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your can see my hare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Bricks and mortar is also known as shopping malls because it has a physical location where consumers can visit.

Perception towards online shopping: an empirical study of ers” by zia ul haq (2008) from journal of research in commerce and. This is not an example of the work written by our professional essay opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of uk ds: literature review online shopping, online shopping lit r 2 literature uction to literature chapter will mainly discuss on the study that are done by previous research of other authors in the similar area of the present study.

Paswan and ganesh (2007) stated that offline shopping will be perceived in higher tangibility level because of its physical location and buildings that consumers can attached with the sensory cues; while in online shopping are by definition but in virtual. This statement is also parallel with the study of liu, he, gao, and xie, (2008) where they suggested that because the products are intangible in the online shopping environment, detailed and complete product information should be provided; to know the quality of a product, consumer can only rely on the pictures and description on the web page because they are unable to feel and touch the product.

Last factor that will influence consumer's intention purchase in online is the trust in online shopping. It is just a matter of how consumers are willing to take the risk and choose the better way for them to obtain certain products or services using different store y of literature the literature review, many authors have done their research on the customer's perceived risk when shopping in the internet.

In online shopping, consumers are able to compare prices on the internet in different web sites and they will have the material benefit because they can analyze and compare prices based to enhance their decision to purchase (liu, he, gao and xie, 2008). One of the main concerns among the online shoppers was privacy and r reason that hindered online shopping was the touch factor.

Most of the customers are facing return of bad / wrong product, confusing sites and ineffective ing learning course - linkedin e prep: writing a strong course - linkedin corcoran on choosing the right technology for your course - linkedin er perception towards online shopping final subhasish er perception towards online er perception towords online shopping report (literature review ). Exploring the influence of inline consumer perception on ion as exemplified with an online bookstore.

In an online context, lower tangibility of a product is caused by the lack of physical contact and assistance in the shopping process; consumer's intention to shop on the internet will be low when there is a need to seek advice from a salesperson regarding the considered product (monsuwe, et. To study the marketing strategies of online ary data refers to data that was collected by someone other than the sources of secondary data for social science include censuses, ted by government departments, organizational records and data that ally collected for other research purposes.