Literature review of global warming
Only examining 'natural' and not solar or volcanic effects individually), which is the reason some bars appear to be missing from figures 2 to 2: percent contributions of various effects to the observed global surface warming over the past 100-150 years according to tett et al. Wide variety of statistical and physical approaches all arrived at the same conclusion: that humans are the dominant cause of the global warming over the past century, and particularly over the past 50 years. If you want absolute proof that atmospheric co2 provides additional warming to the troposphere, surface, and ocean, too bad.

Literature review on global warming
It might also be prudent for global warming researchers to maintain at least a fifty-foot distance from any custard based foods until further after completion of this review, all of the original publications on the space alien theory of global warming disappeared from the scientific literature, along with all of the text for this section of this review. The warming is mostly evident over the northern hemisphere reflecting the history of regional emissions. Here we will review the results of these various studies, and a few others which we have not previously examined, to see what the scientific literature and data have to say about exactly what is causing global of these studies, using a wide range of independent methods, provide multiple lines of evidence that humans are the dominant cause of global warming over the past century, and especially over the past 50 to 65 years (figure 1).

Global warming literature review
The results of this work by kaufman and colleagues show that the net impact of human activity over this time period has been slight (a small positive effect) because the cooling effect of rising sulphur emissions (primarily from china) has largely counteracted the warming effects of ghgs. For this reason, during the most recent 50 year period in their study (shown in dark blue in figure 1), the sum of their natural and human global warming contributions is larger than 100%, since their model shows more warming than observed over that period. Over the past 25 years, nearly 100% of the warming is due to humans, in their et al.

They estimated that solar and volcanic activity were responsible for 37% and 13% of the warming, and rind 2008 used more of a statistical approach than these previous studies, using a multiple linear regression analysis. In every study over every timeframe examined, the two largest factors influencing global temperatures were human-caused: (1) ghgs, followed by (2) human aerosol emissions. One produces claims with 100% certainty in any warming is a prediction (or a result) based on known physics:Energy in - energy out = energy gain -> increasing was shown to be scientifically valid many years ago.

As we'll see, a few studies have begun examining whether enso has had a long-term impact on global surface temperatures. Because it's a cycle/oscillation, it tends to have little impact on long-term temperature changes, with the effects of la niña cancelling out those of el niñ are other effects, but ghgs and so2 are the two largest human influences, and solar and volcanic activity and enso are the dominant natural influences on global temperature. A paper published recently in the journal the proceedings of the national academy of sciences by kaufman and colleagues looks specifically at this decade and investigates the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors on global average surface temperature over this time period.

Rapid growth in sulphur emissions from asia are shown to have largely offset warming from greenhouse gases, allowing the impact of natural factors to be apparent lack of a warming trend for the specific period of 1998 – 2008 (which begins with one of the hottest years on record) has been used by some to claim that concerns about anthropogenic global warming are unfounded. Two recent papers apply slightly different formal detection and attribution techniques to further explore the causes of changes in observed temperature idis and colleagues use an optimal detection technique to examine the role of anthropogenic activity in the warming of extremely warm daytime temperatures over the second half of the twentieth century. Images only page images and ocr e/chapter e: charles darwin, carl e: birds, classification, works best with javascript graphic pages to at internet ture review on the greenhouse effect and global warming /.

The global mean climate sensitivity parameter, λ) which is similar for all the different types of forcings. As with the previous studies discussed, this doesn't add up to exactly 100% because the statistical fit is not perfect, and not every effect on global temperature was taken into consideration. 2001, “dog breath: a global threat beyond halitosis” acta climactica 17: 22), while several groups have contributed to the growing body of data linking dog aggregation to increased hurricane development (e.

Both lean and rind and foster and rahmstorf found that solar activity has played a very small role in the observed global t et al. Their best estimate matched the overall global warming during this period very well; however, it underestimated the warming from 1897 to 1947, and overestimated the warming from 1947 to 1997. Now let's see what the scientific literature has to say about the relative influences of each et al.

The practical appeal of the radiative forcing concept is due, in the main, to the assumption that there exists a general relationship between the global mean forcing and the global mean equilibrium surface temperature response (i. The contribution of combined fossil fuel and biofuel black carbon (fbc) to global temperature change over the past century was shown to have been significant but small compared to the effect of ghgs. Sks weekly climate change & global warming news roundup # research, september 25 - october 1, eck: climate models have not ‘exaggerated’ global climate impacts of a potential volcanic eruption of mount agung.

To identify the effects of human activity on global temperature, the model was used with post-1998 values of natural factors held at their 1998 level while allowing ghg concentrations and sulphur emissions to evolve as observed. There are many posts here explaining all the intricate details behind these figure shows clearly that we cannot account for current warming without anthropogenic factors (ghgs). Sexual iterature review on the greenhouse effect and global h, m; wong, raymond ki wai; kochtubajda, bohdan, 1954-; alberta research council; alberta.