Literature review on family planning in nigeria

In the case of our women with severe mental illness, discrepancies between knowledge, interest, and use may have resulted from the potential obstacles that make the regular family planning outlets unattractive or inaccessible to these patients. A factor analysis was used to measure the association between the respondents' attitudes toward family planning and their contraceptive dents' perceptions of family planning were associated with contraceptive use: those who approved of family planning were twice as likely as respondents who disapproved to be using contraceptives. Women who are well motivated to use family planning should be encouraged to use effective of side effects was the main reason for discontinuation of contraceptive use.

This is often the reason men and women in developing countries give for not practicing family planning. Who approved of family planning were two times as likely to be using contraceptives as those who disapproved. Thus, respondents who associated family planning with health benefits and an improved standard of living (factor 1) were more likely than those who did not to be practicing contraception.

28] although some of the women knew sterilization, none used it conforming to the national trend; sterilization is a poorly accepted or used method in nigeria because of cultural and religious opposition; [28],[29] there is a lot of work that need to be done to redirect the interest of women to the more effective means of contraception. These points have been used to support psychiatric clinic-based family planning initiatives, more so that many of these patients have frequent contact with mental health workers and hardly the general health service. 1],[2],[15] several suggestions have been made as to the most appropriate method for evaluating these patients for family planning.

This may include clinic-based psychiatric-focused patient education and referral service to be delivered by specially trained mental health workers or family planning limitation of this study is that it is hospital based thus limiting the ability to generalize it to the wider population but the sample is representative of the target population of women with severe mental illness. 1],[2],[14],[15] even at that, inadequacies exist in knowledge of mental health workers about how to provide family planning, manage fertility issues, handle ethical issues, how to obtain informed consent, and role of reproductive decision on family life and on the management of the patient. Other predictors were family planning approval, media exposure, place of residence and spousal approval and predictor variables for the female respondents were age, education, ethnicity, family planning approval, media exposure, communication with their spouse and his approval of family planning, and the social support of others.

1],[2],[11],[15] in nigeria, while the importance of family planning in the mental health has for long been recognized, [16],[17] we still do not have any organized fertility regulation program. The large number of women who desired clinic-based family planning education suggests that the introduction of such program is feasible. In fact, a literature search did not yield any study from the north central zone of the country which was the setting of this investigation.

A better use of family planning could reduce many of these mistimed and unplanned pregnancies, while at the same time it could reduce the number of unsafe abortions as well as the mortality related with child birth [7]. Questionnaire includes not only types of contraceptive as knowledge part but also how to use, where to get family planning service, side effects of contraception and other points too. According to the ethiopian demographic and health survey 2011, most women and men had knowledge on some family planning methods but only about 29% of married women were using contraceptives.

A majority of those who had never used any family planning method gave cultural and religious reason for this resistance which poses serious challenge for public enlightenment and family planning education at the clinic level. Moreover, a considerable amount of child death mainly boy child linking with boy sex preference reflects family planning interventions to see the ways beyond only for contraceptive ledgmentswe would like to forward our gratitude to jimma university, college of public health and medical sciences and ghent university. Table 5 presents results both of the general model and of the final the chief predictors of contraceptive use for all respondents combined were education, religion, approval of family planning, media exposure, spousal communication and approval and agreement that female education should be encouraged (factor 3).

These women were relatively knowledgeable about modern methods of family planning but had low level of interest and much lower level of use. 21] family planning is part of primary care but special services for the mentally ill is s that may restrict the mentally ill patients from being able to use the regular family planning program for the general population include stigma, socio-economic and educational disadvantages, illness-related and decision-impairing factors (e. 11] regulating family size in heritable conditions like schizophrenia could serve preventive purposes by limiting potentially the number of children exposed to the risk of the disorder.

Separate questionnaires were administered for male and female respondents but with similar contents including socio-demographic characteristics (age, sex, ethnicity, occupational status, income, age at first marriage), reproductive characteristics (number of children, sex preference of couples), as well as question modules on knowledge, attitudes and practice regarding contraceptive use (types of contraception, use of contraception, user perspective, attitudes of a husband and wife towards contraceptives, husband-wife communication on family planning, ever use of contraceptives, current use of contraceptives and reasons for not using contraceptives). This survey seeks to inform an evidence-based engagement strategy aimed at improving 15-19 year olds’ access to family planning (fp) and post-abortion care (pac) survey will be informed by a critical literature review of the existing discourse on family planning and post abortion care services in nigeria which identified the nuances within the existing data for different geo-political zones and between different population groups, where they exist. There are reports of discharged and continuing care patients being counseled on these issues and of successful separate family planning services for institutionalized psychiatric patients from more developed countries.

Most common factors that are known to be responsible for non-use of family planning in nigeria include: fear of side effects of methods, myths about family planning, cultural and religious oppositions, and opposition by spouses. Sharma v, mohan u, das v, awasthi s (2012) socio- demographic determinants and knowledge, attitude, practice: survey of family planning, sharma. Therefore, family planning interventions should pay particular attention to both wives' and husbands' participation in family planning, while at the same time further educating married women and men on specific methods of contraception and their possible side effects.