Literature review on motivation of employees

This has examined the multidimensionality of motivation from the existing literature and present a conceptual framework based on it, and it is experienced that various motivation techniques (discussed in this study) are having a positive impact on both employee satisfaction and the quality of performance in the organization; however, the model needs to be validated using quantitative measures. Promotion is the ultimate motivating for any employee because it moves employee forward in hierarchy of concern organization added with other responsibility, higher respect, honors, with increase in grade pay and allowances.

Literature review on employee motivation

It avoids the dullness caused by monotonous jobs and simultaneously brings smoothness in technological job with the help of handling different circumstances at different levels and it leads to effective learning of many aspects in the satisfactionin (2011), parvin and kabir studied the tested factors affecting job satisfaction for pharmaceutical companies and described job satisfaction as how content an individual is with his or her job, and viewed job satisfaction is not the same as motivation, although clearly linked. Recognition enhances the level of productivity and performance at job whether it is a first time performance or a repeated action at the job in a progressive way and ultimately reinforces the behavior of opportunitiesin (2013), harvey indicated that an employee is accepted as part of the social group or team.

So, management personnel’s responsibility to motivate their employees to work as per the expectation to enhance the organization’s performance. Promotion is always employee’s ultimate wish for the service rendered by him in the organization and this is the only way for an employee career development.

The only thing organization needs to do is to give employees with ample resources and platform to do. Garg and rastogi (2006) identified the key issues of job design research and practice to motivate employees’ performance and concluded that a dynamic managerial learning framework is required to enhance employees’ performance to meet global challenges.

Once all the issues have been identified, each issue is used as a keyword to search the relevant literature. In this competitive environment, organizations works harder to integrate its workforce and to keep the coordination among employees to enhance the working as well as employee productivity.

In this paper, we have taken various techniques of motivation from existing literature, and managed to make flow of motivation from young-age employees to old-age employees. The perils of participation: effects of the choice of training on trainee motivation and learning.

As per kuo (2013) a successful organization must combine the strengths and motivations of internal employees and respond to external changes and demands promptly to show the organization’s value. 2013) discussed that monetary incentives used to build a positive environment and maintain a job interest, which is consistent among the employee and offer a spur or zeal in the employees for better performance.

For example, younger employees early in their careers may have a propensity for higher immediate compensation and benefits, such as fully paid family medical plans or maternity/paternity leaves; because employees in later career stages might prefer stock options or most company contributions to their retirement plans. Motivation directly links to individual performance that gain to organization performance and as a catalyzer for all individual employees working for an organization to enhance their working performance or to complete task in much better way than they usually do.

In the body of literature, various frameworks are used by the researchers based on theory of motivation, with only few dimensions of ture reviewin a complex and dynamic environment, leader of the organization used to create the environment in which employee feel trusted and are empowered to take decisions in the organization which leads to enhance motivation level of employee and ultimately organizational performance are enhanced. Exploring the relative and combined influence of mastery-approach goals and work intrinsic motivation on employee turnover intention.

Now this can be understood: an employee who is achievement motivated seeks achievement, bringing realistic but challenging goals, and betterment in the job. Authors made flow of motivation from early career motivation techniques to late career motivation techniques and reached on a conclusion: if employees are provided with right motivation technique at right time, their morale and confidence goes up and had a direct positive impact in individual performance and organizational performance.

Similarly, zhang and wu (2004) indicated that with job security, an employee gets confident with the future career and they put their most efforts to achieve the objectives of the organization. Employee recognition is a dynamic communication technique to improve employee performance which leads to enhance organizational an organization, it is important to make the employees valued and appreciated, because of which they get motivated and they work harder and be more loyal toward the organization.

This includes the employee payment, organization of work, and work activities; training, skills, and employability; amenities, physical environment, health, safety, and well-being; and working time and work–life balance. Panagiotakopoulos (2013) concluded that factors affecting staff motivation at a period where the financial rewards are kept to the least leads to stimulate employee performance.

Table 1 shows that the number of articles or reviews published on motivation in the last two decades (table 2). Toward an integrative theory of training motivation: a meta-analytic path analysis of 20 years of research.

The influence of general perceptions of the training environment on pre-training motivation and perceived training transfer. It brings positive energy among the early career stage employee to work in a new environment, which gives workers the opportunity to learn multiple skills and outlooks.

Thus, they create a dilemma as to whether these motivation dimensions are enough to create a solid baseline which has an impact on the ncesaguinis, h. The more effective quality and practicality of education employees had, the more contribution they will have to securityas per yamamoto (2013) if an employee perceives they will be getting rewards for good work and their job is a secured one, the performance will automatically be better.