Literature review of inventory management
An attempt is made to provide an up-to-date review of existing literature, concentrating on descriptions of the characteristics and types of inventory control models that have been sets; inventory management; models under uncertainty; eoq; s powered by plos are currently no version of the website: business systems & economics"business systems & economics" issn online 2029-8234all publishing rigths reserved to mykolas romeris university.

Literature review on inventory management
Ds: eoq, epq, imperfect production process, inventory model, process ct: inventories are the materials stored either waiting for processing or experiencing processing and in some cases for future delivery.

Management science, 12(11), 745–l: international journal of industrial engineering computations | year: 2014 | volume: 5 | issue: 1 | views: 4721 | reviews: imperfect quality items with learning and inflation under two limited st ...

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Literature review on models of inventory management under ories are raw materials, work-in-process goods and completely finished goods that are considered to be the portion of business’s assets that are ready or will be ready for sale.

The earliest scientific inventory management researches date back to the second decade of the past century, but the interest in this scientific area is still great.

Multi-item inventory models with price dependent demand under flexibility and reliability consideration and imprecise space constraint: a geometric programming approach.

A literature review on inventory modeling with reliability ational journal of industrial engineering computations , 5(1), , m.

Science » international journal of industrial engineering computations » a literature review on inventory modeling with reliability (396)msl (1505)dsl (234)ccl (140)uscm (163)esm (125)ac (61)jpm (21).

Literature review on models of inventory management under (s): serhii ziukovsubject(s): economypublished by: mykolas romeris universitykeywords: fuzzy sets; inventory management; models under uncertainty;eoq; y/abstract: inventories are raw materials, work-in-process goods and completely finished goods that are considered to be the portion of business’s assets that are ready or will be ready for sale.

As they are like money placed in a drawer, assets tied up in investments, incurring costs for the care of the stored material and also subject to spoilage and obsolescence there have been a spate of programs developed by industries, all aimed at reducing inventory levels and increasing efficiency on the shop floor.

This paper discusses the major works in the field of inventory modeling driven by reliability considerations, which ranges from the very beginning to latest works just to cite this , i & sultana, i.

So formulating a suitable inventory model is one of the major concerns for an industry.

The effect of quality cost on inventory model for product life cycle with growth stage and defective items.

This paper analyzes possible parameters of existing models of inventory control an attempt is made to provide an up-to-date review of existing literature, concentrating on descriptions of the characteristics and types of inventory control models that have been l: business systems & year: 2015issue no: 1page range: 26-35page count: 10.

Inventory models could be both deterministic and probabilistic and both of which must account for the reliability of the associated production process.
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