Legal education and research methodology
Contributors must provide a separate title page containing the manuscript title, names, affiliations, e-mail and postal addresses of all the contributing authors. The range of audiences the west bengal national university of juridical sciences has in mind include legal and social science academics, legal practitioners, law students, and students interested in law as it relates to fields as politics, economics, history, or social theory.

Legal research and methodology
Sharing of experiences and concerns about issues involving pedagogy of law, legal aid, promoting access to justice by law schools and experiential learning of law to strengthen efforts of justice education will be of great interest for the range of audiences the west bengal national university of juridical sciences has in mind include legal and social science academics, legal practitioners, law students, and students interested in law as it relates to fields as politics, economics, history, or social theory. Ale follows a typical double-blind review process, meaning that the author does not get to know who reviews the manuscript and similarly, the reviewer does not know who wrote it.
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Source for figures and tables should be mentioned irrespective of whether or not they require permissions. I confirm that i have read the submission policy and that my manuscript complies with the journal’s submission policy.

Depending upon the reviewers’ recommendations, the manuscript is accepted or rejected or, most likely, rewriting suggestions are given to the author, who then modifies the manuscript as per the requirement and sends a revised manuscript. All of them are members of various professional bodies and ial advisory chancellor, wb nujs, us professor, vanderbilt law school, sor of law, nalsar, or, clinical programmes, york law school, us professor, tel aviv university, or, babsea cle, professor, iba-cle chair, nlsiu, sor, university of natal, south ly judge, supreme court of india, ly professor, delhi university, an, national human rights commission, , sehgal foundation, erson, delhi judicial academy, ly assistant professor, peaking university, ate clinical professor, georgia state university school of law, united states, ant professor, nlsiu, ate dean, northumbria law school, ate professor, chinese university of hong kong, hong kong, sor, vm salgaonkar college of law, ant professor of law, nus, r (legal), srei group, er, school of transnational law, peking university, cher, centre for regulatory studies, governance and public policy, the west bengal national university of juridical sciences, india.
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Quotations of 45 words or more should be separated from the text and indented with one space with a line space above and below. We are also developing the website so as it is a useful resource for researchers.
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The journal will cover the issues of legal education reform in relation to clinical legal education, legal research methodology, social change, poverty and development, and impact of globalization on editorial advisory board of the journal comprises of renowned legal scholars from india, u. Also, you can follow us on twitter and by last updated: 31st august education research l > vocational & professional cting / sion journal (asian journal of legal education) primarily aims to promote continuous academic research and dialogue among the legal fraternity about the reform of legal education in the asian region.

Dual, single print utional, single print order single issues of this journal, please contact sage customer services at 1-800-818-7243 / 1-805-583-9774 with details of the volume and issue you would like to purchase. A feature of the membership is its varied academic backgrounds, with some members having a strong education background.
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If the work has more than six authors, list the first six authors and then use et al. Legal education research network (lern) holds a number of workshops and events each can read our latest lern updates in the news section.
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The preferred maximum length for article is 7000-8000 words, essay 5000-6000 words, note / comment 3000-4000 words and book review 1500-2500 words including abstract (200-250 words) and footnote. For example we will have data sources for information on both education generally and legal education in particular and we are increasingly publishing research reports and information about projects on different topics and using different methodologies.
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We also regularly post news on other relevant events and opportunities of potential interest, under current best way to keep in touch with our updates is to join our mailing list. Membership is free and an application form is available is essentially a community of scholars concerned to promote, support and inform all aspects of legal education lern, launched officially at the lern symposium 2015, is a mentoring and collaborative initiative whereby members of lern would help one another with helpful feedback and support so as to produce higher quality research is mainly supported by the association of law teachers (alt) and the society of legal scholars (sls), especially in terms of their financial support for the small grants.

Book reviews must contain name of author/editor and book reviewed, place of publication and publisher, year of publication, number of pages and price. Queries could be about any missing information, ambiguous statements, or about missing citations and references in the article.
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Tables and figures to be indicated by numbers separately (see table 1), not by placement (see table below). Linksstaff in touch with of its core aims is to support researchers, through a range of activities, including through its members providing advice and support for each other, such as by suggesting useful source materials, reading draft questionnaires, piloting them and looking over interview formally, lern runs workshops on a range of topics from ‘hands-on’ exploration of various research methods, developing research agendas, showcasing recently completed projects and generally debating research issues in legal education.

The authors are shown the typeset proofs of their articles, so that they can review their articles and send proof corrections (if any), before the final version goes into list for authors: manuscript with abstract, title page & cover ts and dual subscription, print only. Three members of the editorial board are fulbright scholars and teaching in india, and the other three are teaching in reputed foreign law schools.

Members have a particular concern to explore current and sometimes controversial aspects of legal education and often invite ‘non-lawyers’ to contribute to our workshops to provide a broader or comparative ship of lern and participation in its activities is open to all interested in legal education research. For example we will have data sources for information on both education generally and legal education in particular and we are increasingly publishing research reports and information about projects on different topics and using different ’s active members are drawn from a variety of education institutions and they have a wide range of research interests from pre-university legal education, professional legal training and skills development, to researching student experiences, law teachers, teaching methods and looking at the context of legal education and education policy-making.

Inverted names: in each reference, authors’ names are inverted (last name first) for all authors (first, second or subsequent ones); give the last name and initials for all authors of a particular work unless the work has more than six authors. The editor first cursorily examines the manuscript to check whether there is an obvious reason to reject it, for example, if it does not fit well within the aims and scope of ale.