Law phd proposal
Candidates must hold a first class or upper second class bachelors degree in law or a related subject (or equivalent) in order to be eligible for law school requires applicants to our postgraduate programmes to have achieved an ielts of 7 with 6. You will also find that some monographs were originally phd projects and reading through these will also give you a sense of the work that is g the proposal: a research proposal should be short; around 1000-1500 words is sufficient. You should write the research proposal separately, and not in the supplementary personal statement section of the application good proposals must be both informative and persuasive.

Good proposal should have the following basic elements, though their order and weighting can of course vary:A working title: make this clear and background and rationale: explain the background and issues of your are your aims and objectives? Phd in law is a full-time research degree and may be awarded after three to four years (including a probationary year) of supervised independent research on the basis of a dissertation not exceeding 100,000 words exclusive of bibliography, table of contents and any other preliminary matter. Kamel center for the study of islamic law and civilizationlaw, economics & organization workshoplegal history forumlegal theory workshopthe arthur liman center for public interest lawmiddle east legal studies seminarthe oscar m.

Admissions committee strongly recommends that at least two recommenders hold academic appointments at a law scoresthe applicant will be asked to self-report his or her lsat score; scores from any administration of the exam will be accepted. Statement indicating your reasons for 2: choosing your year, master's level original contribution to , mphil or phd 3: your research most critical part of your application is the research proposal and it is the primary component on which your application is research project is unique, requiring specialised and individual supervision of the student concerned. Of kentkent law schoolkent law an aduate research can take place in any subject area which qualified kent law school staff are able to supervise.

For example, a thesis on “the law relating to criminal defences inscotland” or “a review of ec law governing the enforcement of european law in national courts of member states” would be too broad. If this is the type of research you wish to engage in, then your research proposal needs to indicate an awareness of the approaches already taken in the existing literature and, in general terms, how your phd would seek to be ative legal of our existing phd candidates are incorporating comparative approaches into their research. In law degree and should describe the applicant’s qualifications to undertake the proposed course of study, especially qualifications that are not evident from the applicant’s ch proposal (1000 words)the research proposal should describe the project that the applicant plans to undertake as a dissertation.

It is not enough to say that this has not been studied previously, you need to explain why it is important or interesting enough to be you need to explain how you will obtain the information necessary to write your n whether you will use secondary and/or primary some detail on exactly how you will obtain your most law students, you will probably rely on documentary sources – information that already exists in some form e. Proposal will allow us to consider whether your topic is suitable and whether it is capable of generating a doctoral level thesis. Please note that any documents you upload to our system should not be larger than aim to have a response for you within eight weeks of complete submission of expect our doctoral candidates to be living in edinburgh during their studies, in order to fully participate in our dynamic training programme and to reap as much benefit as you can from our thriving research aduate open day 15 november a phd at edinburgh law ng research raduate degreespostgraduate taught degreespostgraduate research research uing professional developmentpublicationsathena swannews and eventsmootingour staffcontact hoolsschool of lawresearch writing a research raduate degreespostgraduate taught degreespostgraduate research research uing professional developmentpublicationsathena swannews and eventsmootingour staffcontact g a research g a research ing your research proposal is the important first step to becoming a postgraduate research student at the school of focus of your proposal will be slightly different depending on whether you wish to do a phd or an llm by research, but the principles of what to include and who to contact for advice are the ng to a potential you write your detailed research proposal, you may wish to contact a member of our research staff with knowledge of the subject area.

We expect to see a strong mark in the dissertation majority of our applicants have studied law; applications from non-law students with relevant studies and experience will be considered but further guidance may need to be applicants should supply the following supporting documentation:Previous academic transcripts for all past degree programmes (please upload the full transcript showing results from all years of study). If you are shortlisted for interview the library will check the availability of resources based on your research proposal, but it will be helpful if you consider certain specific material necessary for your research, that you spell this out so that we can ensure the library has the materials you ng eventsdepartmental y areas of supervisionstructure of doctoral programme in shipsmaster of lawssummer schoolsvisitorsresearch & teachingexchange programmeslaw libraryseminars & eventsnewspublicationsrules & y of european last updated on 28 july ement at the & security protection at the mmes & in political and social ctoral max weber ic careers ments & schuman centre for advanced y of european y and cal and social ical archives of , eui ch projects a to & financial ications lling and wellbeing of graduate ical archives of the european resources al audit estate and facilities and conditions of use. This is also an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have about studying for a phd at edinburgh law is usually only after this stage that you will be made an you are not familiar with the university we would strongly recommend that you also consider a trip to edinburgh to have a look around.

It is important to realise that your application may be refused admission on the ground that it is of insufficient depth, and in particular, that it does not disclose what advance in human knowledge might arise from the are aware that after admission and initial talks with the supervisor or after some months of work you might well modify your original of interestdegree programsclinical and experiential learningcoursesacademic calendar & resourcesalumni & student profileslaw ylecturers & affiliatesfaculty activities & tsai china centercollaboration for research integrity and transparency (crit)cultural cognition projectdebating law and religion seriesglobal health justice partnershipgruber program for global justice and women’s rightshuman rights workshop: current issues & eventsinformation society projectjohn m. A bibliography of the sources you have consulted in preparing the research further guidance, it is recommended that you consult e phillips and d pugh, how to get a phd – a handbook for students and their supervisors (4th ed, open university press, maidenhead 2005), especially chapters 3 and a research tships and for applicants (incl. They who should be able to advise you whether or not your proposed topic is can be done prior to a formal you are not sure who is the best person to contact, an initial enquiry can be made to our postgraduate administrator, susan to include in your proposal.

While individual arrangements may vary considerably, phd students may normally expect to receive one-to-one supervision once a month during the early stages of their research. A legal analysis of the attribution of enforcement powers to un peacekeeping operations in the new impact of the world trade organisation on the formulation of the anti-monopoly law of the people’s republic to employment and career progression for women in the european labour t to medical treatment and the competent ory things on or beneath land: a study of property and rights of effect of the constitutional relations betweenscotlandandenglandon their conflict of laws relations: a scottish sion: a historical-comparative study of the role of persuasion within the judicial decision-making reform proposals for the protection of the right to seek refugee status in the european icizing the criminalization of ch proposals for an llm by an llm by research, your study should still be critical rather than simply describing the law in a particular field of study is likely to be significantly narrower than for a phd, as it has a 30,000 word and current llm by research thesis topics have included:Sustainable development and urban governance in planning ic abuse and scots al liability for individuals who fail to prevent and scientific evidence of responsibility of international organisations: efforts of the international law university of glasgow is a registered scottish charity: registration number m of publication sity of kent - the uk's european sity of kent - isted for exceptional performance, the datapoints merit award ng and strategyuniversity plan 2015-20 uk's european university annual review and reports how we operatecommitteesgovernanceconstitution regulations charity information modern slavery act transparency statement people vice-chancellor executive group principal officers honorary graduates departmentsschools and faculties professional services external services complete a-z more about kentcareer opportunities essential kent eastern arc regional impact community relations events and what's onfull calendar undergraduate term dates open lectures ence at kentlatest research news ref 2014 research impact expertise publications public engagementdepartments/people find a kent expert schools and faculties research services innovation & enterprise graduate school academic/research jobs research degreessearch courses research degrees how to apply postgraduate funding graduate raduate 2018search courseshow to applyfees and fundingundergraduate 2017search coursesstudy abroadgo abroadpostgraduate 2018search courses how to apply research degrees taught courses fees and funding part-time and short coursesonline prospectus summer schools internationalfoundation (ifp)pre-sessional english graduate diplomas (gdip) short-term programmes visit kentopen days applicant days informal visits kent around the world useful linksaccommodation fees and funding scholarships locations information for... In law program and who wish to reapply must submit a completely new application and pay the application fee.

Use concepts from property law to analyse sexual e new case law/new legislation in a particular area of fy new problems with existing case law/legislation in a particular area of ake an empirical study to see if the law is achieving its also need to make sure your topic is not too broad. This is not to say that there are no other ways of undertaking doctoral research and note also that these approaches may overlap and a proposal may cover more than one of these is of new and emerging areas of law. A phd thesis must be from 70,000 to 100,000 words including er how your study will demonstrate originality.

This section, you should also explain any special skills you have that will assist you in obtaining information, for example, if you plan to look at french law and you can read or speak should provide a very approximate timetable for the example, the timetable for a research llm thesis comparing french law and scots law might be:Months 1-3 reading theoretical material and developing theoretical 4-6 reading and analysing french 7-9 reading and analysing scottish 9-12 writing up the ch proposals for a choosing a subject for your thesis, consider the requirements for a relevant degree and whether you can stick within the time and word limits. Perspectives research led law schoolhomeaboutpeoplenewsalumnicontact at the law an law clinicabout the clinicwigoder law law school onlinecountercurrents blogmastering law blogkent law clinic blogkls employability blogfacebooktwitteryoutubeinstagramlawlinks sharepoint (staff only). Journal articles, case reports, legislation, treaties, historical this case you need to say a little about how you will access these (bearing in mind that as a student of the university you will be provided with access to legal databases including westlaw and lexislibrary).