Iu political science
Her research interests primarily focus on electoral institutions, democratic consolidation, state repression, political survival, clientelism, and election fraud. Lauren is an exceptionally talented and incisive scholar," said larry singell, executive dean of the college of arts and sciences.

Demattee in finance and economics, illinois wesleyan in analytical consulting, decision sciences, international business, management & strategy, managerial economics, and marketing, the kellogg school of management at northwestern y demattee studies the interactions of the state and civil society in developing countries. Despite traditional arguments in migration and political norm diffusion literatures that a privileging of (co)ethnic identity in migrants’ transnational networks may dampen the likelihood they provide political and economic development assistance in a transparent manner – instead buttressing existing elites, institutions, and patronage networks in potentially undemocratic ways – his findings show that (co)ethnic identity actually strengthens transnational networks through which organizations are more likely to remit economic development assistance in tandem with “collective democratic remittances”: information intended to effect change in institutions and political culture by raising expectations for and promoting norms of transparency, accountability, and good governance in migrants’ nations of : moutter utter grew up in seattle, wa and graduated from the university of washington with a ba in law, societies and justice.

She has also been recognized with the iu trustee teaching award four times since joining the faculty in ennial priority: a community of ennial priority: a global e of arts and er piurek office of the provost and executive vice presidentphone: 812-856-4886|email: jpiurek@e media from the ended from the ic fish and maple syrup 'comets' attract thousands to iu science bloomington | oct. This work has been published in several journals, including africa today, an iu press journal; the annual review of environment and resources; the journal of development studies; and the journal of modern african the support of the carnegie fellowship, she hopes to produce a book for a broad audience -- including policy makers, donors, business leaders and ngo leaders -- on how to effectively handle energy issues on the ground.

As well as a major and a minor in political science, we also offer a masters degree in political science and certificate or minor programs in legal studies and paralegal department provides plenty of opportunities for students to become involved in politics and law inside and outside class:Take part in the political science students association (polsa), which is open to all iupui students and organizes a variety of you are thinking about going to law school, take part in our pre-law program and consider enrolling in our legal studies in local or national government through our internship ipate in our biennial bulen symposium on us politics, held every election part in an intercollegiate simulation of the european union, or help organize and run the oldest high school model united nations in the students are given insight into how government works in indiana, in the united states, and in countries all over the world. Her research interests include political violence, issues of human rights, and the roles of ngos in peacekeeping efforts and humanitarian : carpenter, stefan (joint ph.

His current studies focus on the obstacles political institutions face in developing policy responses to climate change (and potential ways to surmount them), informed by current research trends on ideological polarization and unequal representation. Million gift to create program drawing master artists and scholars to skills front and center at pilot speed-networking e the spooky side of iu southeast at haunted walking sciences forum weighs plight of undocumented e recognition reception honors sustained dedication to iu a news story ».

Katelyn's research examines how group representation influences public opinion towards political institutions and their members. Degree in political science with the option of a traditional track or a public administration less of the track, students must complete 30 hours of political science courses, including the following: introduction to american politics (y103), research methods (y387), and the senior seminar (y490).

Student, which is a joint program of the school of public and environmental affairs (spea) and the department of political science. Candidate, department of political science, indiana faculty teaching fellow, department of political science, butler t affiliate, center for research on race and ethnicity in society, indiana , black metropolis research consortium, university of chicago (2016).

As a student of political science, you can explore many different dimensions of political life, ranging from small groups and citizens' organizations, urban settings, to individual nations, supranational organizations, and the international political science major provides you with the skills and knowledge to understand the theory and practice of government and politics, both here in the us and internationally. Donovan has a passion for research and teaching and he hopes to use his doctoral degree to influence policy decisions that will have an impact within the african american ld: comparative, : eway economics, swarthmore political science, university of 's interest in international and comparative politics grew out of experiences growing up overseas in egypt, burkina faso and denmark.

Bentley chair in the department of political science, was chosen as one of just 35 fellows from nearly 200 nominees in the fields of science, law, technology, business and public is the third year of the program, which launched in 2015 to support the country's "most creative thinkers" with grants of up to $200,000 each for research on challenges to democracy and international maclean's current research highlights some of the challenges involved with the promotion of renewable energy in africa, her work has been shaped more by the positive developments she has seen than the negative. Before coming to iu, he spent ten ng political science and classics at leiden university and the ohio state university,And, since leaving academia in 2010, has been employed as a high school tutor in lands (perhaps not fully realizing that he might have been mentoring the der the great).

Her paper, "the role of gender diversity on the choice of nonviolent tactics among organizations" was presented at the 73rd annual midwest political science association annual meeting in chicago, : israelsen, ld: ir, : shjpowel . For example, he is curious about how political philosophy will respond in coming years to the integration of emerging innovations such as machine learning algorithms into existing and future governance structures.

We offer about 50 sections each semester, including introductory and advanced classes in american government, comparative politics, international relations, political theory, and public policy. She then studied at central european university in budapest where she obtained master's degree in political science.

He attained his ba (social sciences) at makerere university's college of humanities & social sciences, majoring in international relations and minoring in was born (and spent his formative years) in uganda. For example, his recent political behavior article argues that religious participation and affiliation have stronger implications for public opinion when we assess congregants' substantive understanding of church teaching.

To borrow a phrase from zeev sternhell, zach believes that such perversions are “neither right nor left” but extreme, that they occur at the extremes of all political his dissertation, zach tries to formulate a new, concise, and comprehensive conceptualization of “fanaticism. Iupui iupui school of liberal usnextwelcome to the department of political science at cal science is one of the most popular courses of study for students in the school of liberal arts: we have more than 150 majors, about 30-40 minors, and more than 2500 students enroll in our classes each year - yet we still manage to keep our classes small, with plenty of faculty-student department has 11 full-time faculty and more than 25 part-time faculty, who among them teach undergraduate classes across the whole spectrum of political science.

She is interested in political psychology, religion and politics and race : qeyamat, sulaiman (joint ph. Additionally, prashant has a strong interest in asian rivalries with a specific interest in the role of us involvement in south asia and the asian : hrustanovic, ld: comparative, : bhrustan in political science and philosophy, ball state ball state a attended ball state university and received her b.

Then he got military training from the ugandan army and worked as a private security contractor with the us army in joining grad school, he worked as a supervisor of security personnel in the uae at the dubai international airport, the dubai & khalifa : stauffer, ld: american, : kastauff , history and political science, gettysburg n stauffer is ph. At lahore university of management sciences in lahore (her native city) and then earned an ma in political science from national university of of her work experience has been in journalism.