Human resource management journal
Abong’ovolume 2011 (2011), article id 598896, journal of human resources management research, 20 pagesyeap peik foong, multimedia university, klcova, tomas bata university in zlin, czech ia jonathan, universiti malaysia sarawak, vydrová, tomas bata university in zlin , czech l arrieya ariffin, university of education sultan idris , chaudhry, american university in the emirates, united arab lzaman ab. Jean-françois es and er guide for human resource management l issues published in human resource management l teams in meta-analysis to enhance our understanding of human resource ence, convergence, or crossvergence in international human resource for papers in human resource management nable hrm: perspectives, practices, and g in the digitized economy: hrm theory & metrics – top social media is a recent list of 2017 articles that have had the most social media attention.

Open access journals are those that provide immediate and free access of all published full-text articles to interested readers around the world. Measures contextual citation impact by weighting citations based on the total number of citations in a subject o journal rank (sjr): o journal rank (sjr):2016: 0.

This include completed research, research in progress, liturature review, meta analysis, conceptual papers, and case int: an article that reflects the author’s opinion, interpretation, or future review: a review of rcently published t list: reference lists of research groups, and current projects and s who publish in any ibima publishing open access journal retain the copyright of their work under a creative commons attribution 3. Anantharaman and david yoon kin tongvolume 2011 (2011), article id 302272, journal of human resources management research, 13 pagesthe relationship between participation in decision making and job satisfaction among academic staff in the school of business, university of nairobiflorence k.

Rial relations: a journal of economy and resource pacific journal of human l of management wiley online libraryfor additional information on content, subscriptions, services, and t permission to reuse content from this ic details of your requirements. Trends in human resource -cultural aspects of human resource ally encouraged are manuscripts that derive from interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach to human resource management.

Journal is indexed and/or abstracted in the following databases/resources:Ulrich’s periodcals cengage ons: 53 (as of sept. 555k)pdf(555k)referencesrequest permissions search search scope all contentpublication titlesin this journal search string advanced >saved searches > search by citation volume: issue: page:Human resource management resource management tual development for future your login details below.

And ational editorial ght © 2017 ibima publishing all rights l of human resource e processing / journals / economics & management | social sciences & psychology / journal of human resource hed special e a special l issue an journal of management science and l of finance and ational journal of economic behavior and ational journal of economics, finance and management l of world economic e journal of business and ational journal of business and economics l of investment and ational journal of natural resource ecology and ational journal of agricultural an business & an journal of theoretical and applied ational journal of sustainability management and information ational journal of management and fuzzy ational journal of finance and banking . A kenyan perspectiverobert ong’eta kinanga and samuel kimnyak partoipvolume 2013 (2013), article id 162613, journal of human resources management research, 9 pagestrends in executive compensation: ceo and cfo pay from 2006 through 2011alix valentivolume 2013 (2013), article id 473497, journal of human resources management research, 10 pagesthe trust as a necessary condition but not sufficient for the psychological contracthassen gharbi and tahar lazhar ayedvolume 2012 (2012), article id 951574, journal of human resources management research, 15 pagesunderstanding why human resource function is lagging behind in information technology adoptionrobert kinangavolume 2012 (2012), article id 424902, journal of human resources management research, 11 pagesorganizational justice in performance appraisal system and work performance: evidence from an emerging marketari warokka, cristina g.

It has become essential reading for everyone involved in personnel, training and human resource management and is the only hrm journal to be endorsed by the chartered institute of personnel and te performance: measuring human resources at nicholas c. 2000), ‘agent-oriented supply chain management,’ international journal of flexible manufacturing systems, 12 (1), journals and name, initial(s).

The journal is published since 1998 twice a year by the faculty of management, comenius university in bratislava, jhrm aims at creating an open forum for scientific discourse focused on human resource management, inviting theoretical as well as empirical research papers. To main content log in / register log in / > business & management > human resource management > human resource management journal journal tools get new content alerts get rss feed save to my profile get sample copy recommend to your librarian journal menujournal homefind issuescurrent issueall issues find articles early view get access subscribe / renew for contributors for refereesopen accessauthor guidelinessubmit an article about this journal overvieweditorial boardpermissionsadvertisecontact special features wiley job networkreview and provocation papersspecial issue archivejobs human resource management journal© john wiley & sons ltdedited by: elaine farndale anthony mcdonnell, dora scholarios and adrian wilkinsonimpact factor: 2.

Journal citation reports © ranking: 2016: 5/27 (industrial relations & labor); 80/194 (management)online issn: 1748-8583 recently published issuessee allcurrent issue:july 2017volume 27, issue 3april 2017volume 27, issue 2special issue: hrm and innovationjanuary 2017volume 27, issue 1november 2016volume 26, issue 4july 2016volume 26, issue 3useful links special issues - call for papers situating human resource management practices in their political and economic contextguest editors: prof. Jean-françois downloaded most downloaded articles from human resource management review in the last 90 mance management and employee g human resource management: reviewing the field and charting future gy, human resource management and performance: sharpening line of ly published articles from human resource management effects of virtualness on teamwork behavioral components: the role of shared mental l teams in world is not flat: examining the interactive multidimensionality of culture and virtuality in teams.

1311k)pdf(1311k)referencesrequest permissionsautonomy as a key resource for women in low gender egalitarian countries: a cross‐cultural examinationcynthia saldanha halliday, samantha c. Job analysis, job design, workforce planning, recruitment, selection and placement, performance and talent management, reward systems, training, development, careers, safety and health, diversity, fairness, discrimination, employment law, employee relations, labor relations, workforce metrics, hr analytics, hrm and technology, social issues and hrm, separation and retention), topics that influence or are influenced by human resource management activities (e.

By: elaine farndale anthony mcdonnell, dora scholarios and adrian issn: 0954-5395 online issn: resource management journal aims to promote the theory and practice of hrm, to provide an international forum for discussion and debate, and to stress the critical importance of people management to a wide range of economic, political and social concerns. Impact factor measures the average number of citations received in a particular year by papers published in the journal during the two preceding years.

Alshitrivolume 2013 (2013), article id 279369, journal of human resources management research, 10 pageslinkage between target setting in performance contracting and employee performance. Please see the full call for papers for more details on the scope and how to ad full spc call for papershuman resource management is soliciting and accepting papers for a special issue entitled employee stock ownership for managing human resources.

Human resource management review (hrmr) is a quarterly academic journal devoted to the publication of scholarly conceptual/theoretical articles pertaining to human resource management and allied fields (e. Muindivolume 2011 (2011), article id 246460, journal of human resources management research, 34 pagesthe roles of emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence at the workplacesusan tee suan chin, r.

Kinanga and anne cherono cheruiyotvolume 2015 (2015), article id 232566, journal of human resources management research, 8 pagesin praise of gossip: the organizational functions and practical applications of rumours in the workplacefilippo ferrarivolume 2015 (2015), article id 854452, journal of human resources management research, 8 pagesan investigation of factors affecting job satisfaction among r&d center employees in saudi arabiakhalid i. Journal citation reports © ranking: 2016: 38/80 (psychology applied); 92/194 (management)online issn: 1099-050x recently published issuessee allcurrent issue:september/october 2017volume 56, issue 5july/august 2017volume 56, issue 4may/june 2017volume 56, issue 3march/april 2017volume 56, issue 2january/february 2017volume 56, issue 1call for papers: special section scholar-practitioner collaborations and engaged scholarship human resource management is soliciting and accepting papers developed through extensive collaboration between scholars and practitioners, by scholar-practitioners, or by engaged scholars.

Most cited articles published since 2012, extracted from gy, human resource management and performance: sharpening line of ying the construct of human resource systems: relating human resource management to employee oration at work: an integrative multilevel open access latest open access articles published in human resource management -boundary teaming for innovation: integrating research on teams and knowledge in organizations. Revenues produced from commercial sales and distribution of published articles are used to maintain reduced publication fees and journal of human resources management research (jhrmr) is an open access journal.