How to write a research paper for publication
Quite often, you’ll be asked to revise your paper and resubmit it, based on the comments provided by several (often three) anonymous reviewers and the editor. In this way, do not attempt to "hide" data in the hope of saving it for a later paper. Probably it is the easiest section to write, but the hardest section to get right.

How to write a research paper for journal publication
As such, it will be freely available as part of an online repository of peer-reviewed scholarly papers. Think about "how will i search for this piece of information" when you design the e 3original title: fabrication of carbon/cds coaxial nanofibers displaying optical and electrical properties via electrospinning carbonrevised title: electrospinning of carbon/cds coaxial nanofibers with optical and electrical propertiescomments: "english needs help. Remember that most journals offer the possibility of adding supporting materials, so use them freely for data of secondary importance.

This connects you with a scholarly institution, which adds credibility to your ’t panic when you get the journal’s initial response. Wikihow page is really helpful for those who need to know where to start from and finalize the workflow! Kallestinova, graduate writing center, yale graduate school of arts and sciences, yale university, new haven, ct; e-mail: @ information ► copyright and license information ►copyright ©2011, yale journal of biology s:article | pubreader | epub (beta) | pdf (221k) | ncbi web site requires javascript to tionresourceshow toabout ncbi accesskeysmy ncbisign in to ncbisign l listyale j biol medv.

The rest of the introduction should then outline what this piece of work aims to address and why this is important, before stating the objectives of the study and the research question[20]. Seasoned editor gives advice to get your work published in an international angel borja, phd posted on 24 june to prepare a manuscript for international journals — part 2in this monthly series, dr. Angel borja is head of projects at azti-tecnalia, a research center in the basque country in spain specializing in marine research and food technologies.

Scholars who are revising content from a thesis or dissertation often struggle with this element; you need to be able to strip away (or at least significantly dial back) things like background information, literature reviews, and methodological discussions for a journal article. For many journals, you can submit duplicate figures: one in color for the online version of the journal and pdfs, and another in black and white for the hardcopy journal (figure 4). Student writes about the inspiration behind his model for earthquake prediction – and what he learned on his (“tedious but worth it”) journey to publication.

8: compose a concise and descriptive titlethe title must explain what the paper is broadly about. Impact factor (a measure of the frequency with which the average article in a journal has been cited in a particular year), the scope and readership of a title may also influence your rmore, approval and adequate disclosures must be obtained from all co-authors. Abstract should make people eager to start reading the article, but never disappointed when they finish the as many people as you can to read over your abstract and provide feedback before you submit your paper to a scientific research research introduction for research introduction are some journals to which i can easily submit my paper?

Most journals have now the possibility to download small files with the format of the references, allowing you to change it automatically. At the same time, though, don’t sell yourself short by assuming your paper could never be good enough for that top-shelf the circulation or exposure of the journal in mind. Are all flooded by publications, and readers don't have time to read all scientific production.

11: write up the referencestypically, there are more mistakes in the references than in any other part of the manuscript. Pubmed/medline) and journal websites extract words from them to determine whether your article will be displayed to interested readers[14],[15],[16],[17], enabling accurate dissemination and leading to future addition, the title and abstract are usually freely available online. Ncbi web site requires javascript to tionresourceshow toabout ncbi accesskeysmy ncbisign in to ncbisign l listyale j biol medv.

Only doing the work and not sharing or not keeping it open for others is not encouraged in any research field. By participating in self-archiving practices and providing full data sets, authors can play their part in royal pharmaceutical society website hosts a database to help share data from research studies. This article provides very useful resources for any newbie in the research field about how to get your work published to the world!

For survey-based studies and information on sampling frame, size and statistical powers, see ‘when to use a survey in pharmacy practice research’[26]. Review the literature related to the topic and select some papers (about 30) that can be cited in your paper (these will be listed in the references. Fit” is critical here — the most renowned journal in your field might not be the one best suited to your specific work.