How to write a paper for publication
And acknowledgementsi have based this paper on the materials distributed to the attendees of many courses. Obviously this will depend on the size and scope of your paper, how good the results were etc.

How to write paper for publication
Think about "how will i search for this piece of information" when you design the e 3original title: fabrication of carbon/cds coaxial nanofibers displaying optical and electrical properties via electrospinning carbonrevised title: electrospinning of carbon/cds coaxial nanofibers with optical and electrical propertiescomments: "english needs help. Include what data you collected and how, and make sure that the methods were appropriate.
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Probably it is the easiest section to write, but the hardest section to get right. Subscribe to our free articlerps foundation programme and advanced pharmacy frameworkontrack - pharmacy revision for preregistration traineesfasttrack - revision for pharmacy studentspharmacy reference and learning ws & analysislearningresearchpharmacy learning centrecareers & jobsopinionpublicationsyour ationabout uscookie and privacy policycopyrightaccessibilityaccess rulesmedia kitmobile appsrss feedssitemapsubjectsterms and conditionscommunity guidelinespharmaceutical journal jobs terms and conditionspharmaceutical journal subscription terms and conditionsservicesadvertisesubscribemembership to the royal pharmaceutical societyinstitutionspermissions & reprintsfor authors and refereesjobsnewsletterscontactcontact ustechnical supportfeedbackcontributorssocial media and communities hubpublicationsthe pharmaceutical journalclinical pharmacisttomorrow's pharmacistsupplementsprevious issuespartnerspharmaceutical pressroyal pharmaceutical societypharmaceutical jobsmedicinescompleteontrack - pharmacy the sitesearch.
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It seemed to me a good idea to recycle this here for a few reasons 1) it might be of use to other students out there who are trying to write papers for the first time, 2) i still use this document, so any feedback from other professionals that i can add in and update would be welcome, and 3) it might serve as an interesting essay for students or others as to the mechanics of writing and publishing a manuscript. To achieve good interpretations think about:how do these results relate to the original question or objectives outlined in the introduction section?

You should of course thank the editor and reviewers in the acknowledgements this done, you can now resubmit the paper. This need not be longer than a few lines and should state the title of the paper, what is discusses and why it is appropriate for the journal.
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The questions addressed by the study can be used alongside the results to formulate the introduction, which can guide how the discussion is written[11]. 11: write up the referencestypically, there are more mistakes in the references than in any other part of the manuscript.

The results show the response of the benthic communities to different disturbance sources in a simple way. Again, this is something i dislike, your work should be valuable of itself, ok a new archaeopteryx will be more interesting than a partial theropod tooth, but i fail to see why a paper has to be ‘sold’.

Videos, 1 reading, 2 practice quizzesexpandvideo: paper definition "kyp", know your paperdiscussion prompt: compatibility between paper and journalpractice quiz: so, what? Avoid excessive self-citations and excessive citations of publications from the same ze personal communications, do not include unpublished observations, manuscripts submitted but not yet accepted for publication, publications that are not peer reviewed, grey literature, or articles not published in can use any software, such as endnote or mendeley, to format and include your references in the paper.
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It can be worthwhile finishing with a sentence or two stating the purpose of the paper and what you intend to ’t forget a single good figure can save you pages of complex explanations. However, in order for the full impact of research to be achieved and to have any effect on the wider research and scientific community, it must be published in an accessible aking and performing scientific, clinical and practice-based research is only the beginning of the scholarship of discovery[1].
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For example:for chemicals, use the conventions of the international union of pure and applied chemistry and the official recommendations of the iupac–iub combined commission on biochemical species, use accepted taxonomical nomenclature (worms: world register of marine species, erms: european register of marine species), and write them always in units of measurement, follow the international system of units (si). Dedicate some time to think about the title and discuss it with your you can see some examples of original titles, and how they were changed after reviews and comments to them:example 1original title: preliminary observations on the effect of salinity on benthic community distribution within a estuarine system, in the north searevised title: effect of salinity on benthic distribution within the scheldt estuary (north sea)comments: long title distracts readers.
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Videos, 2 readings, 1 practice quizexpandvideo: the structure of an academic paperdiscussion prompt: comparing different constructions of papersvideo: on writing an academic paper, preliminary tipsreading: important readings before writing a papervideo: how to: the bibliographypractice quiz: please, try by yourselfvideo: the abstractdiscussion prompt: discussing abstractsreading: more detailed information on how to write your articlevideo: zotero: online featuresgraded: the bibliographygraded: peer reviewing of an abstractweek 4after the writing: the check listafter writing the paper comes the time of reading your paper a few times in order to get everything this section you will learn how to remove a lot of mistakes you might have been writing. Again many people will only read this is detail so it is worth spending extra time on reviewers of the paper, anyone who sent you data, curators who gave you access to collections and the source of your check they are all listed correctly and formatted properly.
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Don’t be afraid to structure the paper so that it reads in the best way possible, but do be mindful of straying too far from the standard are writing not just for experts in your field but others who might be interested, or are using your work for an unexpected reason. Angel borja draws on his extensive background as an author, reviewer and editor to give advice on preparing the manuscript (author's view), the evaluation process (reviewer's view) and what there is to hate or love in a paper (editor's view).
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All authors will have to agree on the authenticity of the data and presentation before formal submission can take place[3] (see ‘box 2: common mistakes and reasons why research articles are rejected for publication’). Years of the royal pharmaceutical society ch award for north west london local practice we can increase turnout to rps board foundation programme and advanced pharmacy k - pharmacy revision for preregistration ack - revision for pharmacy cy reference and learning cy learning istration pharmaceutical ow's : community national pharmacy board national pharmacy board h national pharmacy board sh national pharmacy board national pharmacy board the are here:homelearninglearning to write a research article to submit for pharmaceutical journal21 nov 2016by michael l dowdallcorresponding authormichael is responsible for our cpd, learning and review and research cists and healthcare professionals who are undertaking research should have an understanding of how to produce a research article for publication, and be aware of the important considerations relating to submission to a peer-reviewed : viennaslide / alamy stock photothe development of a research article can be helpful for the promotion of scientific thinking and the advancement of effective writing skills, allowing authors to participate in broader scientific discussions beyond their scope of practice or discipline.

Make their work easier and they will appreciate the y, check the following:spelling of author namesyear of publicationsusages of "et al. Pay careful attention to this as failure to do so is likely to get your paper rejected.
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But it does make things easier if you can already put the style and formatting down while you write. 10: write the acknowledgementshere, you can thank people who have contributed to the manuscript but not to the extent where that would justify authorship.