Research papers on green marketing
Although a variety of research on green marketing has been conducted across the globe; little academic research on consumer perception and preferences has been carried out in india.

Green marketing research papers
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To main contentuclaescholarship at …uc berkeleyuc davisuc irvineuclauc merceduc riversideuc san diegoucsfuc santa barbarauc santa cruzuc office of the presidentlawrence berkeley national laboratoryuc agriculture & natural resourceselectronic green journalsubmitmanagesubmissionsmenudownload pdfmainpdfcitationendnoteshareemailfacebooktwittergreen marketing: a study of consumer perception and preferences in india2013bhatia, mayankjain, amitet al.

This research provides a brief review of environmental issues and identifies the green values of the consumers, their level of awareness about environmental issues, green products and practices.

This paper highlights the consumers’ perception and preferences towards green marketing practices and products with the help of a structured questionnaire.

Springer, ss and ts and alised in to check le on all sales tax included if about institutional use cookies to improve your experience with our g forward, looking back: drawing on the past to shape the future of asreflecting on the past decade of marketing: taking stock of green marketing literatureauthorsauthors and affiliationssabari raghavendransatya moorthiconference paperfirst online: 02 december pments in marketing science: proceedings of the academy of marketing series (dmspams)abstractever since the thought of manufacturing green products, environmental sustainability and eco-friendly business processes of corporate sector has gained momentum, there has been gradual increase in the awareness levels among consumers and various other stake holders.

This momentum from the market has gradually percolated into other areas such as research in marketing and teaching marketing courses at b-schools.

However, the extent of research in marketing with focus on green & sustainability needs to be examined.

This is captured through taking stock of conceptual, empirical and case based papers focusing on green and sustainability in marketing, over the past decade.

Eds) looking forward, looking back: drawing on the past to shape the future of marketing.

Download preview ght information© academy of marketing science 2016authors and affiliationssabari raghavendran1satya hidasan institute of endran s.

High level of awareness about green marketing practices and products was found among the consumers.

Help centerless log insign earch paper marketing a study on challenges of green marketing: present scenario3 pagesresearch paper marketing a study on challenges of green marketing: present scenariouploaded bypallavi shivanna connect to downloadget pdfresearch paper marketing a study on challenges of green marketing: present scenariodownloadresearch paper marketing a study on challenges of green marketing: present scenariouploaded bypallavi shivannaloading previewsorry, preview is currently unavailable.

Research has given good insights for marketers of the green products and suggests the need of designing the marketing communication campaigns promoting green products due to high green value among the consumers.

Results of regression analysis reveals the view that overall green values, awareness about green products and practices and the perception regarding seriousness of marketing companies towards green marketing had positive significant impact on consumer persuasion to buy and prefer green products over conventional contentdownload pdf to viewview the password to open this pdf file:Articleabstractmain contentmetricsauthor & article inforeview: toms river: a story of science and salvationanderson, byron p.

Consumers and manufacturers have directed their attention toward environment friendly products that are presumed to be “green” or environment friendly like low power consuming (energy-efficient) electrical appliances, organic foods, lead free paints, recyclable paper, and phosphate free detergents.

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This paper provides an insight about actual work carried out so far and what is needed in academic research for shaping the future of marketing to embrace the new paradigm of business in the context of environmental wunable to display preview.

The objective of this study is to review the importance given to the growing idea of green in marketing in academic research.

Use of this web site signifies your agreement to the terms and g forward, looking back: drawing on the past to shape the future of asreflecting on the past decade of marketing: taking stock of green marketing literatureauthorsauthors and affiliationssabari raghavendransatya moorthiconference paperfirst online: 02 december pments in marketing science: proceedings of the academy of marketing series (dmspams)abstractever since the thought of manufacturing green products, environmental sustainability and eco-friendly business processes of corporate sector has gained momentum, there has been gradual increase in the awareness levels among consumers and various other stake holders.