Essay on college education
When i was a kid, every dream i had required me to go to college. This quote, from the introduction of my high school chemistry book, was my driving force as a teenager to attend college. Respectable college education gives people the advantage to lead themselves in any direction they want to proceed in life.

Essay about college education
Well rounded person with alot of talent and success in his life and school life that graduates hs and decides not to go to college wouldnt be represented as the overwhelming majority or statistics of hs hs graduates are idiot lazy thugs that barely were able to graduate their shit hs and college is out of the question for decieving and its like comparing apples to e is heavily advocated by goverment because its a corperate intrest. All community and traditional four year colleges collect these funds in order to maintain the school’s budget. The most important decision any individual must decide upon after high school is whether to pursue a college degree, or not.

Some students either go to a four year college or attend a community college or just go straight into the work force. Also think that an associates degree is cheaper to obtain, will make the the student better trained and prepared for one specific job and can lead to a stable income (making no difference in the quality of life between the holder of an two-year, cheaper associates degree and a four-year, expensive college degree). Why not, use the knowledge i have learned, and apply it to a college education.

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College can be misleading for teenagers fresh out of high school, and people who feel that continuing their education isn’t the most important factor in attending college should not e matters because without a thoroughly educated society, america would fall to its knees and regress into deep depression. Respectively, the lower the cost a college offers, the more applications it will receive in a year. Turns out orange prices were inflated, and everyone believed goverment and corperate marketing and took out loans to buy what colleges 8, 2012 at 4:19 pm.

As a result, they are able to lead a trouble free e education gives students an opportunity to socialize and make new friends that they could not have met if they were not enrolled in a college. Its amazing how i learned way more from the comments then from the actual blog, truth is that colleges will only give you a paper that says you are authorized to do a certain job when the truth is that experience speaks more than a piece of paper with a few words worst thing is that there is a possibility that you may not even be hired … me i’m barely a sophomore in college and every time i see my degree plan i question the committee that organizes these reports (they have so many unnecessary courses) it’s very discouraging to keep in college seeing that apparently this is only what matters and not hard work, not skills and not initiative but a stupid piece of paper …. Although some people may chose to attend college because their friends are or their parents did, college can turnout to be a complete success for some, or a complete disaster for others.

Of a college degree gh a person in college can have a job, that person cannot work as much as someone who is not in college. Why go and fork-out so much money into college when you can easily learn your major on your own, or for very little cost. Why college is important | ck: ck: what it takes to work in educational administration | suggest ck: what makes a great administrator - gerald parks memorial ry 15, 2015 at 5:45 ’s up to every , as i am genuinely keen of reading this website’s post updated daily.
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Not even a generation ago, most parents thought that college was a waste of time and money.... You make a life by what you give" (winston churchill, circa 1940) learning the importance of getting a good college education did not come to me until i was 31 years old. College administrators could also modify their student evaluation forms to ask students whether they believe the stated goals were emphasized in the courses they addition, the average time students devote to studying varies widely among different colleges, and many campuses could require more of their students.
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However, even with financial aid, he and his family are economically deprived and therefore incapable in funding a college education. Then, that silly career question is turned around on them, “how exactly do you expect me to afford college? Even though all have experienced more than a decade of schooling, many students are still not prepared for the demands of college level education.

I have made absolutely no use of the judo i studied in college, but i’m hundreds of dollars poorer for ry 17, 2012 at 3:33 helped me get my project done and i hope i get a a+ mr. One of the major pieces to becoming a successful business man/woman is receiving a college education. Some 600 undergraduates did -- many agreeing with perlstein's assertion that "college as america used to understand it is coming to an end," many dismissing his argument as so much nostalgic pap, still others taking the occasion to critique higher education from an insider's continue the conversation, we're featuring the winning student essay and four runners-up, and posting another 450 of the entries in a searchable format.