Essay of buying brand names
Consumers are shown photographs of the shelf display and ask consumers to name the brands noticed. Since the research concerned with how by asking the question “how the brand equity affects the consumer's buying behaviour?

With the growing trend of outsourcing manufacturing processes to emerging economies, brands are facing an increasing growth of counterfeit goods. It depends on how the product is launched and the manufacture or suppliers made strategies of the brand to lunch it.

It seeks to increase the product's perceived value to the customer and thereby increase brand franchise and brand equity. Purchasing cannot proceed unless a consumer is first aware of a product category and a brand within that category.

20] awareness alone is not sufficient to trigger a purchase, consumers also need to be favourably disposed to a brand before it will be considered as a realistic purchase process of moving consumers from brand awareness and a positive brand attitude through to the actual sale is known as conversion. I don’t buy name brand stuff because i’m insecure or anything like that, i buy them because 1.

And if i get great shirts from a particular brand name, i also expect other products by the same brand to be well made. The consumer's changed their buying behaviour by getting the answer of some of the questions related to the brand.

The poor product quality and deprived customer services could directly affect the brand image which reduced the sales of the typical examples regarding brand is; it is a kind of equity that is imposition of laws to protect intellectual property (murphy, 1998). Journal of the academy of marketing science,28 (2), wikipedia, the free to: navigation, t-based ate -of-home t ional awareness refers to the extent to which customers are able to recall or recognise a brand.

Introduction “a brand is a distinguishing name and/or symbol intended to identify the goods or services of either on seller or group of sellers, and to differentiate those goods or services from those of competitors” (aaker 1991). 3: liking - the consumer develops a favourable/unfavourable disposition towards the 4: preference - the consumer begins to rate one brand above other comparable 5: conviction - the consumer demonstrates a desire to purchase (via inspection, sampling, trial).

Also, puma has a great brand equity because of the company’s focus on innovation and design to produce high quality fashionable athletic products.... Names and word choice, as well as the power they possess, fill these volumes, through tristram’s baptism and mr....

Advantage of buying a good, high end label is that (if kept in pristine condition) you can almost always get a good price for it @ a consignment store. The reason why this research has been undertaken is because branding is an interesting topic, which plays a major part in everyday life.

From the above discussion it is concluded that the brand equity has many advantages and importance which are listed below:Asset management which can be sold or ication cost will be ise of / margins/ market share are power with ish the recognition, confidence, image and believe that the brands are central to consumers' lives but in fact the consumers are central to a brands and its existence and hence they change their buying behaviour according to brand equity. If they did not found these qualities on the product they change their buying behaviour and use other equity affects the consumers' and their buying behaviour in three specific y, a brand enables the consumer's to generate the value.

Confronted with examples of imperfection or fragmentation, the scientific minds of "the birthmark," "rappaccini¹s daughter," and "ethan brand" attempt to efface or fuse flaws as they seek an impossible ideal of total encapsulation and order. 2 brand awareness:As mentioned in the literature review, brand can make potential consumers aware of the products (aaker, 1991).

In other words, all marketing activities should be aimed at believing consumers and recognize a brand (groovers 2005). Typically identify two distinct types of brand awareness; namely brand recall (also known as unaided recall or occasionally spontaneous recall) and brand recognition (also known as aided brand recall).

The importance of brand reputation as an intangible resource stems, in great part, from the immense amount of choice that is usable for most any product or service and the limited quantity of time or experience that consumers possess (amis, 2003so being able to rely on a positive brand reputation to aid decision-making is a strong tip and can be named as a major asset. The concept of brand equity was emerged as the central concept in marketing over the past 20 years.

Models of consumer behaviour:To define explain the consumer buying behaviours there are several models developed which are vary in presentation such as pre-purchase, purchase and post- purchase (hoyer and maclnnis, 2001; rayport and jaworski, 2003). In 1924, rudolph dassler established the puma brand in germany as a track and field sneaker company.

8] these types of awareness operate in entirely different ways with important implications for marketing strategy and recall is also known as unaided recall or spontaneous recall and refers to the ability of the consumers to correctly elicit a brand name from memory when prompted by a product category. Some has got high degree of knowledge in electronics goods or some may have high knowledge in brands of clothes.