Research paper on data warehousing

The idea of sense data is the cornerstone of the theory of representative realism, which states that immediate objects of awareness are not physical objects, but are sense data. The raw increase in computing power, and the ability to push numbers and move large amounts of data in reasonable amounts of time have enhanced the abilities and sizes of databases....

Data warehousing research papers

Current research has lead to new developments in all aspects of data warehousing, however, there are still a number of problems that need to be solved for making data warehousing effective. Data security is known as shielding an organized body of related information, also called as database security.

Visual data mining: visual data mining is successful in producing the way to discover knowledge from huge amounts of data. Use of this web site signifies your agreement to the terms and search returned over 400 essays for "data warehousing".

A database, a dbms, and the application programs that use the data in the database make up a database environment.... As the tremendous usage of mobile devices and real time sensors has released the necessity and importance for representations that can simultaneously be updated, and can estimate the time oriented data with reliability and proportional to its time period for extended analysis....

The impact of green data centers on energy efficiency   green data center potentiates energy efficiency a data center is a facility/equipment used in housing computer systems and other computer related components, including storage systems and telecommunications (glanz, 2012). A number of technical issues for exploratory research are presented and possible solutions are wunable to display preview.

They are most commonly operated by office staff, and are on the order of megabytes of data to gigabytes. Instead of getting queries on standard or user-specified relationships, data mining goes a step farther by finding meaningful relationships in data....

The return on investment of data warehousing this paper will present the return on investment (roi) of data warehousing (dw). Data migration also seems to coincide with unforeseen difficulties that lead to extended downtime and the need to cancel, roll back and defer the activity....

Generation of position frequency matrices for the positive dataset, 500 sequences were used to calculate k-mer frequencies from three successive windows.... We need to do an experiment such as ultracentrifugal sedimentation, dynamic light scattering, or pulsed-field gradient spin-echo nuclear magnetic resonance and extract the diffusion coefficient by analyzing the data appropriately....

According to glanz (2012), large data centers make industrial scale operations which consume electricity, sufficient to run a small town.... Furthermore, companies around the world are considering harnessing data as a basis of competitive advantage over other companies.

The information stored in the data warehouse can be easily and efficiently accessed for making effective decisions. Over the last decades, archives of qualitative data have become widely accessible to research-es and there has been a smaller revolution in the practice of secondary analysis on such data.

The main purpose of data collection is to collect quality of information about a particular topic and translate the collection rich data analysis and allow the building of a convincing and credible answer to question that have been posed.... Data breaches may involve personal information such as transactional information, personal health and insurance information, social security information, organization’s operational secrets and ips....

Big data: a continuing evolution big data today is continuing to evolve, and appears to be in the beginning stages of evolution. However, what is the point of this mass collection of data if we aren’t even able to make useful inferences from it....

Because of the convent these servers provide, many people are requesting from internet companies to store their data and make it reliable and accessible through the internet in several platforms all the time.... Big data is a term used today to talk about the vastly growing amounts of data, (mainly unstructured, but can also include structured and semi structured data), out there to be mined [1]....

Class report (business intelligence) business intelligence solutions harness data warehousing and olap technologies to unleash opportunities to improve customer service, control costs, maximize profits, and make better decisions faster. Data is observable and recordable facts but only comes to have value when it is presented as information....

Sense data are the subjective mind-dependent intermediaries that give us all of our knowledge of the external world through a veil of perception, representing the real world.... Accuracy of data input there are various methods for entering data into a computer system.