Critical thinking checklist
Please email us if you think of further additions - or if you would like to add to the discussion of the nature of critical thinking above.

You may like to print the checklist out for future ble version of the critical reading is the author's approach/perspective?

And referencing ncing and plagiarism ce from ic integrity and avoiding types of uences of academic ng and using revision time on strategies and memory writing lecture al development and good are you at managing your an organised g with ability and al thinking fy what's important:what are the key ideas, problems, arguments, observations, findings, conclusions?

These critical questions are adapted from: journal of construction engineering and management, (1992), vol 18, ts and questions directed to unilearning@.
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Critical from other types of writing (eg descriptive); fact from opinion; bias from reasonevaluate what you find:explore the evidence - does it convince?

Solent method of critical thinkingexamples of the solent methodcritical thinking checklistmore helpextra resourcesdownloadablesreturn to main pageskip creative commons licence© southampton solent university 2012.

Unported administrationbook administrationdownload as questions on this checklist designed as a guide to the process of reading academic texts critically and analytically.

For a l tools for ts, notes and visual ring a , numeracy and feedback about 1: analyse your down your 2: construct your 3: find resources with library 4: critically evaluate ting academic ting newspapers/ng about your purpose for ng and tanding difficult oning as you ghting and not to construct al thinking evaluating g and ng, copy editing and al essay -code the essay ch your ping an ic writing ting your tanding the graphs, diagrams and g critical analysis in a g style for purpose of feedback at you can use ncing and academic information should i include in a reference?

You may want to use this checklist to reflect on your current critical thinking ic enquiry is dynamic in nature - don't necessarily expect to 'wrap everything up' and reach water-tight ght © moira wilson 2009 all rights site | contact skills al thinking◄ previous: examples of the solent method next: more help ►critical thinking checklistto successfully think critically, you need to be able to:Question what you see, hear and te ideas, statements or for reasons or beyond in theories or concepts to explain and support an y why you think the way you al thinking summary (pdf opens in new window).

Servicessussex directstudy and eventsinformation & support resourcesinternationalstudents' tsinformation & support resourcesskills hub homeassessments (archived)critical thinkingcritical thinking ops and ting and participating in ing for ng and learning at ment and grades at ication at sussex.

Unported administrationbook administrationdownload as al thinking◄ previous: examples of the solent method next: more help ►critical thinking checklistto successfully think critically, you need to be able to:Question what you see, hear and te ideas, statements or for reasons or beyond in theories or concepts to explain and support an y why you think the way you al thinking summary (pdf opens in new window).
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Your point of view:weigh up the relevant research in the areafind effective reasons and evidence for your views reach conclusions on the basis of your reasoning illustrate your reasons with effective - critical thinking skills need to be understood and developed in the context of your subject discipline - check this out with your in touchwhile the checklist covers many skills, qualities and activities that can be involved in critical thinking, it does not attempt to be definitive.