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Simply, your research proposal should reflect:1 • what you are going to research1 • why you are going to research this particular area1 • what is the significance of researching this area3 • how you are going to conduct the .
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It will then give the big impact on the organization icance of the cher believed that the research on the identification of factors that influence the job satisfaction is very important for every person in an organization.

This research also brings benefits and advantages to the people especially employees and the organization.

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The researcher can focus on servqual which was designed to measure service quality as perceived by the customer.

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Most of the researches in employee satisfaction field have been related to profit making industrial and service organizations, there has been a growing interest in satisfaction of employees in education sector.
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For researcher is going to involves employees in the particular selected business to identify what factors that most significant that influences job satisfaction in the organization environment.

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This research can maximize organization awareness on the important of employees job s the employees motivation in their job to make a contribution to the organization.
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He or she goes through the same steps like a regular student: researches the given topic, makes an outline, writes a paper, references the works used in the essay, and proofreads it.

These relationships have been well researched in agriculturalenvironments, but few studies on butterfly communities along roads have as yet been made (munguira and thomas, 1992;gerell, 1997; bak et al.
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That no research :• detection and identification of antimicrobial compounds in fungi isolated from avicennia :• antioxidative activities of melastoma malabathricum, l (senduduk) callus :• determination of nutritive value of several marine microalgae (chlorella, pavlova and nano).

If the type of paper you need is not on the list, leave the default choice "essay" and specify what you need in the paper details nowi needadmission essayannotated bibliographyapplication letterargumentative essayarticlearticle reviewbiographybook reviewbusiness plancase studycourse workcover lettercreative writingcritical thinkingcurriculum vitaedissertationdissertation abstractdissertation chapterdissertation conclusiondissertation hypothesisdissertation introductiondissertation methodologydissertation proposaldissertation resultsessayliterature reviewmovie reviewpersonal statementpresentationproblem solvingreportresearch paperresearch proposalresumespeechterm paperthesisthesis proposalthesis statementplease select the most appropriate type of paper needed.

The researcher viewed that this research is important to the employees because it increases the awareness among them towards environment in the organization for them to increases their level of job satisfaction in the study also provides an opportunity for students to practice what they have learned in the classroom.
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0 literature review – context in which the problem arises; historical and current researches in the field • important - shows what previous researchers have discovered (and have not discovered).