Compulsive shopping opinion essay

This is due to the fact that many consumers use shopping as a means to compensate or to face depressive states. Another significant facet which needs to be given importance is the consequences that may arise from compulsive buying. A new look at “compulsive buying”: self–discrepancies and materialistic values as predictors of compulsive buying tendency.

16] another possible cause is that the most striking cases of shopping excesses are usually related to clothes, shoes, cosmetics and accessories, products which relate to physical appearance and are more frequently bought by women. It’s not about you, shopping, buying bags, shoes, and clothes all you want because you’re rich. Are a few drawbacks of the literature available on compulsive buying, which need to be mentioned.

While activities such as window-shopping, visiting shops or spending time in commercial centres is a common and socially accepted desire activity, an addict is differentiated as one in whom this excessive attraction to purchase interferes with the normal development of life and damages their relationships with others, becoming an obsessive and uncontrolled activity. Approach: since ancient times, cases of people who bought in an uncontrolled way have been described, but the first relevant references to shopping addiction appear in the beginning of the twentieth century with kraepelin and bleuler. Others feel that the idea of shopping as a disorder or addiction is a ruse of the medical establishment or pharmaceutical companies to boost sales and create a diagnosable problem....

To explain the higher incidence of shopping addiction in young people, it has been shown [20] that younger people have been born, and have grown up, in an increasingly consumerist society and they have endured the impact of publicity and marketing from birth. Literature review “when the going gets tough, the tough goes shopping,” this statement may not be a familiar statement for many persons however this statement is aimed at making light the situation of compulsive buying. If you go shopping you look for something particular or you just look what the shops offer new.

2007 feb; 6(1): 14–és prieto, javier, "self-help and information manual: addiction to shopping:self-control and responsibility in shopping and spending" european interregional institute for consumer affairs. These specific questionnaires or tests are useful in the diagnosis and evaluation of shopping addiction problems, and to drive the therapies in a proper way. Addicts may feel pleasure or relief when they give in to the shopping wish, but regret it afterwards.

However, a major dimension of the research undertaken by shoham and brencic (2003) studied the gender of the compulsive buyer and tried to prove through their research that females exhibit lower levels of compulsive purchasing tendencies than males. Furthermore to determine the effect of factors (tendency to spend, drives to spend compulsively, feeling about shopping and spending, dysfunctional spending and post purchase guilt. Since compulsive buying brings out the negative side of consumer behaviour it thus requires a great deal of research.

Relationship of shopping addiction with other psychological disorders – especially with those regarding depression or anxiety - has been studied. They also found that compulsive buyers suffer from considerably low self-esteem and have high ability to fantasize, which allow them to escape reality (evans, jamal and foxall, 2009:438). Obsessive compulsive disorder (ocd) is a mental disorder with episodes of recurring and persistent thoughts and compulsive behaviors that interfere with a person's daily life.

Guinn and faber (1989) established from their research that there was a high chance of compulsivity to be a personality dimension of compulsive buying and as a result proved that compulsive buying is a form of compulsive consumption. If your feelings about shopping do not submerse themselves by trying to tame them, then is it a good idea to seek counseling or a support marketing sive buying was originally defined by o'guinn and faber (1989:155) as “chronic, repetitive purchasing that becomes a primary response to negative events or feelings”. Since shopping is for many women one of their most usual activities, as obligation or as entertainment, it easily becomes an important mechanism of escape, facing other problems and ending up being an addiction.

Thirdly, although the demographics of a compulsive buyer have been looked into, there are no actual results which can help create the demographic profile of a compulsive buyer. Many shopping addicts go on shopping binges all year long and may be compulsive about certain items, such as shoes, clothing, or kitchen items; some will just buy anything. In contrast to the personality attributes of compulsive buyers already explored, shoham and brencic (2003:133) incorporated the behavioural and demographic drivers of compulsivity in their research.

Young people who frequently react to compulsive shopping often do this because of their problems and to flee from their world. Benson’s interest in shopping is both personal and she and her husband, jim, a lawyer who reverse-commutes to new jersey, were looking for family-size apartments 20 years ago, one of the selling points of this three-bedroom co-op on riverside drive with seven windows facing the hudson was that it was two blocks from her favorite boutique, which had become a mainstay of her life. Besides personality traits, motivational factors also play a significant role in determining the similarities between compulsive buyers and normal consumers.