Comparison research paper
Assignment will generally ask guiding questions if you are expected to incorporate comparison as part of a larger assignment. You're being asked to do some research as part of your compare/contrast project, make sure that you choose 2 things that you feel comfortable discussing, at instructor may ask for multiple similarities and differences--make sure you're prepared to write a well-developed, meaningful essay on a topic that you know well before you get started! If you can see a way forward from a problem or dilemma, include that as vague language such as "people," "stuff," "things," believe that an "unbalanced" comparison - that is, when the essay focuses predominantly on one of the two issues, and gives less importance to the other - is weaker, and that writers should strive for 50/50 treatment of the texts or issues being examined.

Comparative essay assignments will signal their purpose by using words such as "compare," "contrast," "similarities," and "differences" in the language of the see whether there are any limits placed on your tand the type of comparison essay you are being asked to write. Line with how a lot of theorizing has gone in the last century, comparative research does not tend to investigate "grand theories," such as marxism. Information technology has enabled greater production of quantitative data for comparison, and international communications technology has facilitated this information to be easily spread.

Thus, a paper on two evolutionary theorists' different interpretations of specific archaeological findings might have as few as two or three sentences in the introduction on similarities and at most a paragraph or two to set up the contrast between the theorists' positions. 9][3][10][4] the general method of comparing things is the same for comparative research as it is in our everyday practice of comparison. The rationale behind your choice, the grounds for comparison, lets your reader know why your choice is deliberate and meaningful, not random.

Though you may have been taught to sit down and write your paper from start to finish, this is not only harder, but also more likely to make your thoughts disjointed. Once you have defined your points of comparison, choose the structure for the body paragraphs (where your comparisons go) that makes the most sense for your data. Basis for comparison may have to do with a theme, characteristics, or details about two different things.

In a paper comparing the effects of acid rain on two forest sites, your choice of sites is less obvious. Surrounded by hard times, racial conflict, and limited opportunities, julian, on the other hand, feels repelled by the provincial nature of home, and represents a new southerner, one who sees his native land through a condescending northerner's ght 1998, kerry walk, for the writing center at harvard ght © 2017 the president and fellows of harvard college | accessibility | report copyright wikipedia, the free to: navigation, ative research is a research methodology in the social sciences that aims to make comparisons across different countries or cultures. Predictably, the thesis of such a paper is usually an assertion that a and b are very similar yet not so similar after all.

Analysis of quantitative data is relatively widespread in comparative research, undoubtedly in part because of the cost of obtaining primary data for such large things as a country's policy environment. Let's say you're writing a paper on global food distribution, and you've chosen to compare apples and oranges. This commonly found conclusion weakens any comparative essay, because it essentially says nothing about the comparison.

Of papers: compare/ write a compare/contrast essay, you’ll need to make new connections and/or express new differences between two things. The comparison should reveal something about the nature of the items or their relationship to each other, and your thesis statement should express that argument. With something that draws the reader in, and makes them want to read the paper.

Classic" compare-and-contrast papers, in which you weight a and b equally, may be about two similar things that have crucial differences (two pesticides with different effects on the environment) or two similar things that have crucial differences, yet turn out to have surprising commonalities (two politicians with vastly different world views who voice unexpectedly similar perspectives on sexual harassment). Although it is tempting to do them at the same time, it is smarter to do them one by one; this ensures you have checked everything and, ultimately, makes the job quicker and more possible, find a friend to look over the essay, as he or she may find problems that you sometimes helps to increase or decrease the font size while editing to change the visual layout of the paper. Lens comparisons are useful for illuminating, critiquing, or challenging the stability of a thing that, before the analysis, seemed perfectly understood.

The rest of the paper, whether organized text- by-text or point-by-point, will treat the two theorists' can organize a classic compare-and-contrast paper either text-by-text or point-by-point. Method is by far the most dangerous, as your comparison can become both one-sided and difficult for the reader to method is only recommended for short essays with simplistic subjects that the reader can easily remember as (s)he goes along. The last sentence of the essay should leave the reader feeling that all the different threads of the essay have been drawn together in a cohesive aware that your various comparisons won’t necessarily lend themselves to an obvious conclusion, especially because people value things differently.

If your comparative essay is not meant to include research, you should avoid including it. Isegoria and parrhesia), as part of greek politics, is associated with the effort of the first historians to reflect on home institutions through researching those of others. Effect of mode on response rates-the higher response rate for the paper-and-pencil survey was the opposite of what was expected and revealed that students were more likely to skip sensitive items on the web ght © 2011 by american journal of health promotion, : 21534838 doi: 10.