Childhood obesity research articles
Body mass index (bmi), a measure of weight with relation to height, is not only used as an outcome measure to determine obesity but also as a useful anthropometric index for cardiovascular risk. All in all, there is an urgent need to initiate prevention and treatment of obesity in uctionchildhood obesity has reached epidemic levels in developed countries.

Because obesity is a complex sociocultural issue, many advocate that only a multifaceted approach spearheaded at the federal level will offer the best opportunity to address this pervasive tive strategies have to be directed at children, parents, school systems, and educators. The prevention of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents: a review of interventions and programmes.

Waist circumference seems to be more accurate for children because it targets central obesity, which is a risk factor for type ii diabetes and coronary heart disease. 23] some interventions targeting physical activity through physical education along with nutritional education worked in reducing obesity.

However, regularly consuming fattening junk food can be addictive for children and lead to complications like obesity, chronic illness, low self-esteem and even depression, as well as affecting how they perform in school and extracurricular ls related to junk ation journal, japanese circulation journal, cyta - journal of food, food engineering reviews, sensing and instrumentation for food quality and safety weight reduction is a useful remedy that is applied in case of obesity and overweight. Regular physical exercise helps an individual to be free from health related problems such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc.

This group opposes linking food advertising to childhood obesity, stating that decisions regarding “good” and “bad” foods belong in the hands of responsible osteopathic athic physicians, their allopathic counterparts, and other healthcare professionals have numerous opportunities to encourage children, adolescents, and their parents to engage in healthy lifestyles, to influence their awareness of obesity as a health issue, and to offer education regarding prevention and treatment options. Waist circumference, as a surrogate marker of visceral obesity, has been added to refine the measure of obesity related risks [25].

Thus, no clear pattern of family dynamics has consistently been associated with us studies examining the role of family and parental factors in childhood obesity have often been limited by small sample sizes, and a single measure of family function/dysfunction. On the other hand, there are supporting evidence that excessive sugar intake by soft drink, increased portion size, and steady decline in physical activity have been playing major roles in the rising rates of obesity all around the world.

Kg/yr, twofold increase in prevalence of obesity1971–19746–19nhanes i [68]relatively stable1976–19806–19nhanes ii [68]relatively stable1988–19946–19nhanes iii [68]doubled to 11%1999–20006–19nhanes iv [68]increased by 4%. Prevention may include primary prevention of overweight or obesity itself, secondary prevention or avoidance of weight regains following weight loss, and prevention of further weight increases in obese individuals unable to lose weight.

Although, these methods are less accurate than research methods, they are satisfactory to identify risk. S0929-693x(01) articlepubmedgoogle scholarge k, t t, c t, t k: prevalence and trends in overweight and obesity among children and adolescents in thessaloniki, greece.

Furthermore, children in schools with more frequent physical education activity were more likely to have normal body r, some studies32,33 have suggested that physical education classes are not enough to curb childhood obesity. Articlepubmedgoogle scholargortmaker sl, peterson k, wiecha j, sobol am, dixit s, fox mk, laird n: reducing obesity via a school-based interdisciplinary intervention among youth: planet health.
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However, a small caloric imbalance (within the margin of error of estimation methods) is sufficient over a long period of time to lead to obesity. Synthetic reactions produce phospholipids and of school-based wellness intervention in 7th graders on stage of lifestyle behaviors: the match (s): pooja purswani, suzanne lazorick, xiangming fang and george t duration and obesity of young mexican-heritage children in rural (s): sara e.

Abundant evidence demonstrates the benefit of behavioral change to combat obesity and its researchers and medical practitioners agree that exercise and appropriate nutrition are essential for obesity prevention and optimal health. 4 according to the institute of medicine, more than 9 million children and young adults older than 6 years are overweight or ood obesity increases the risk of multiple acute and chronic medical problems as well as psychological issues, all of which can persist into adulthood and adversely affect quality of life.

1996, 20: scholarmccarthy hd, ellis sm, cole tj: central overweight and obesity in british youth aged 11-16 years: cross sectional surveys of waist circumference. Overweight children followed up for 40 [11] and 55 years [12] were more likely to have cardiovascular and digestive diseases, and die from any cause as compared with those who were tion of childhood obesityalthough definition of obesity and overweight has changed over time [13, 14], it can be defined as an excess of body fat (bf).

Weight reduction is also done through surgeries namely gastric bypass surgery, bariatric surgery, ls related to weight reduction journal, international journal of disaster risk reduction weight loss loss surgery is the bariatric surgery may be an option for adults with severe obesity. In the 2000 year report on children and mental health, the surgeon general emphasized that reoccurance of childhood depression episodes is common and depression “may leave behind psychological scars that increase vulnerability throughout early life.

25]conclusionschildhood obesity has become a public health crisis, not just in the united states but all over the world. The main objection to the notion that dietary fat is responsible for the accelerated pediatric obesity epidemic is the fact that at the same time the prevalence of childhood obesity was increasing, the consumption of dietary fat in different populations was decreasing.

1994, 59: google scholarflodmark ce, lissau i, moreno la, pietrobelli a, widhalm k: new insights into the field of children and adolescents' obesity: the european perspective (vol 28, pg 1189, 2004). Although fat eaten in excess leads to obesity, there is not strong enough evidence that fat intake is the chief reason for the ascending trend of childhood dietary is a growing body of evidence suggesting that increasing dairy intake by about two servings per day could reduce the risk of overweight by up to 70% [43].