Childhood obesity dissertation
Sex- and age-specific percentile cut-points of a reference population (85th percentile for overweight and 95th percentile for obesity) were used. 19–20) these findings suggest that children belonging to relatively higher socioeconomic strata who are likely to study in private schools and reside in urban areas , are at higher risk of obesity, most likely due to associated lifestyle changes leading to inappropriate diet and increasing levels of physical area of residence, socioeconomic conditions and age/gender differences were felt to be important contributors towards overweight and obesity in our study population. However, strength of our study remains in the fact that it provides an overview of burden of childhood obesity among representative sample of children between 6 and 12 yrs for the first time and can prove to be a benchmark for future comparisons by the public health personnel and decision makers.

In puducherry and karaikal regions surrounded by tamilnadu, the prevalence of overweight and obesity ranged from 2. 17) respectively, among children residing in urban areas, higher than rural areas with reported prevalence for overweight and obesity of 1. Division of nutrition, physical activity and obesity, national center for chronic disease prevention and health promotion.

Studies emerging from different parts of india(19–24) within last decade are also indicative of similar the present study the true prevalence of overweight and obesity was 4. 2prevalence of overweight and obesity by gender and region among school children in puducherrytable 3 shows the estimated number of overweight and obese children between 7 and 12 yrs of age in puducherry based on 2001 census data for the state. Data was collected by a team of two interns (male/female) adequately trained and under the supervision of one faculty/junior tion of overweight and obesitychildren were categorized into three groups: obese (>95 th percentile), overweight (≥85th percentile) and normal (<85th percentile,> 5th percentile) using age- and sex-specific percentiles of bmi.
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1) the nutrition transition is associated with a change in dietary habits, decreasing physical activity and rising prevalence of obesity. 2) overweight and obesity are major risk factors for a number of chronic diseases, including diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Similar inference could not be drawn for obese children as the distribution of obesity in various age groups was not found to be statistically significant (p= 0.

Pmc3104708study of childhood obesity among school children aged 6 to 12 years in union territory of puducherrypreetam b mahajan, anil j purty,1 zile singh,1 johnson cherian,1 murugan natesan,1 sandeep arepally,1 and v senthilvel1department of community medicine, indira gandhi medical college and research institute, pondicherry, india1pondicherry institute of medical sciences (pims), pondicherry, indiaaddress for correspondence: dr. Obesity in children and adolescents is gradually becoming a major public health problem in many developing countries, including india. 4–6) significance of estimating prevalence of childhood obesity thus cannot be are a few studies, reporting, prevalence of childhood and adolescent obesity and overweight from different parts of india (punjab, maharashtra, delhi and south india) that range from 3% to 29%, and also indicate that the prevalence is higher in urban than in rural areas.
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However, whether or not obesity persists into adulthood, obesity in childhood appears to increase the risk of subsequent morbidity′. The prevalence of overweight and obesity were calculated using bmi for age/gender percentiles derived through child and teen bmi calculator developed by cdc atlanta. By and large each region from the union territory of puducherry showed trends similar to the respective surrounding states indicating a strong influence of local environmental and sociocultural factors on the pattern of overweight and obesity found in these study showed higher prevalence of overweight and obesity among females in all the regions of puducherry except mahe where reverse trend was seen.

1prevalence of overweight and obesity by age among school children in puducherrytable 2 shows overall prevalence of overweight and obesity by gender and regions among schoolchildren in puducherry. 7) however, there is no published data on a representative sample from puducherry on prevalence of childhood obesity. 18) there has been a phenomenal rise in proportions of children having obesity in the last 4 decades especially in the developed world.
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11,12) the study sample had sufficient power to estimate the prevalence of childhood obesity at 95% confidence interval (ci), with expected frequency of childhood obesity being 7. It also indicates the need to devise meaningful control measures, both home and school-based pending, further research on risk factors for childhood obesity and also to monitor the trend in near future considering the alarming rise in the number of diabetics and hypertensive within the state in recent tessource of support: none declared conflict of interest: none nces1. A similar finding was reported from another study in kerala(19) that showed an increased prevalence of overweight and obesity from 4.

Effects of secular trends in obesity on coronary risk factors in children: the bogalusa heart study. Besides, risk factors for childhood obesity could not be directly studied as this information was not specifically sought for in the original study. Female children from private schools and urban areas were at greater risk of being overweight and sions:childhood obesity is a problem in puducherry and requires timely intervention for its ds: childhood obesity, overweight, puducherry, school childrenintroductionmany countries in south-east asia including india are going through an economic and nutrition transition.
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8) and hypertensives in the union territory of puducherry, it was necessary to have the accurate data on prevalence of childhood obesity and therefore an attempt was made to assess the prevalence of overweight and obesity among school children aged between 6 and 12 yrs. 3estimated number of overweight and obese children based on census data, 2001, by age-specific prevalence study populationdiscussionit is emerging convincingly that the genesis of type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease begins in childhood, with childhood obesity serving as an important factor. Unported, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly article has been cited by other articles in ctobjective:to study the prevalence of obesity and overweight among school children in puducherry.