Celebrity endorsement dissertation
Of respondents agree that a celebrity appearing in an advertisement would motivate their decision to purchase. Further weakness of celebrity endorsement is the increased risk of negative publicity as celebrities are consistently in the public eye.

This investigation will conduct essential research by critically analysing the academic literature, whilst undertaking further primary research to establish a broader insight into celebrity endorsement. Endorsement is the use of a sport celebrity by a company to sell or enhance the image of the company, product, or brand.

Mccracken (1989 cited in tripp et al, 1994) suggests that as the celebrity endorser takes on meanings that carry from advert to advert, therefore endorsing multiple products affects the assigned meanings and the consumer perceives the celebrity to be less credible and less chapter explored the influence celebrity endorsements had in relation to buyer behaviour. In addition to this participants supported kamins (1990) view that source attractiveness also have a pivotal role in determining effectiveness, however a participant in the focus group stated that although wayne rooney is an 'ugly' celebrity it comes down to 'what he's good at' this links back in with the credibility of the ve information about celebrities had a variation of views, it was found out by the focus group that 'if i liked the product, i would buy the product regardless of who was endorsing it, and what they have done' however an equal amount of respondents stated negative information would affect them, so negative information would affect the brand to some l, sports celebrity endorsements in advertising are an effective method at influencing consumers' purchasing behaviour, as primary and secondary research demonstrates the whole, celebrity endorsements in advertising are effective at influencing consumers into purchasing products, as secondary data and primary data obtained illustrates this, although primary data demonstrated that children are mostly influenced although with the distinct lack of literature on this topic it was difficult to verify the extent on motivation to of the main limitations involved in this study are discussed.

Endorsements have been an integral element of organisations' marketing strategy, and although they possess many benefits, there are some limitations of using celebrities in advertising. Negative information about the celebrity activates the celebrity node, which then activates the brand node to some degree, which allows for the transfer of the reduced evaluation of the celebrity to the brand (till, 1996 cited in till, 1998).

However it was stated that some respondents would purchase a celebrity endorsed product if they liked the product, although the endorser had no impact on their decision to conducting primary research, one crucial gap in the literature was the discovered; the age of the consumer. According to belch and belch (2009) familiarity can be considered as the level of knowledge a celebrity possess of a brand.

Premeaux (2005 cited in bailey, 2007) suggests the reason why this figure is so high is the 'ability of the celebrity endorser to get and hold attention with evidence of the positive impact of celebrity endorsers on brand recall'. Another limitation surrounding academic perspectives on consumer buyer behaviour, is that age is not something that is focused on, this could be due to the fact that it is a sensitive area, although this is something important when considering the impact of celebrity y, when conducting the focus group, it was evident that the researcher did not have the necessary skills to gather the appropriate data, and often the group lacked focus.

On this discussion, the sampling technique that will be used in this dissertation is non-probability sampling. One key restraint experience in this investigation was the lack of time and resource needed to ensure that the study was more effective, by using a wider range of sources and bigger sample size in order to gain a broader overview of celebrity endorsements and the motivation behind purchasing behaviour this would also enable results to be r concern for the author, was some of the literature was relatively dated, therefore it needs to be taken into consideration that attitudes and beliefs may have changed considerably since the work has been published.

Relating negative information to the balance theory (heider, 1958) 'the evaluation of an object is affected by how the evaluation will fit with other related attitudes held by the consumer' therefore if the consumer has negative attitudes towards the celebrity according to this theory and to 'balance' their thoughts they would have negative attitudes towards the y results from figure 4. The focus group brought up the fact that they think a sports celebrity should endorse sporting products 'if it's not sports related how can they be credible?

The marketer must select a celebrity that has a good 'fit' with the brand, that is intended to be exposed (pringle, 2004). Reference groups vary in how consumers perceive their own characteristics and lifestyles, and whether such celebrity advertising may generate these attitudes and man and kanuk (2004) believes that sports 'celebrities can be a powerful force in creating interest or actions with regard to purchasing or using selected goods or services.

Results factors from the literature review affect the consumers' motivation to purchase a product/brand that is endorsed by a sports celebrity, which attributes are associated with each celebrity? Use of a celebrity endorser can be seen as the source of a message the company wishes to expose to their target audience.

Further more if the source (celebrity) changes position, the receiver may also change (belch and belch, 2009 pp 182). Consumers tend to believe celebrities that only endorse a single product have a genuine affection for the brand, whereas if the celebrity endorsers multiple brands, consumers feel the celebrity is motivated by the endorser fee.

This is based on how honest the celebrity is about what they say concerning the brand (schiffman and kanuk, 2009). This establishes a positive sentiment connection between the celebrity and the brand (one side of the triangle).

Also as the primary research was all researcher administered, it must be taken into consideration that there is a chance of 'response bias' where the respondent answers the question in a way they think the researcher wants them to answers rather than their true beliefs, this could have affected the reliability of the research recommendations is apparent that age has an important role when examining consumers' motivation to purchase, so future research into the area of celebrity endorsement should explore in greater detail the effects age has on motivation to purchase. Of respondents think that an advert is more believable if the celebrity is an expert in that field.

These two attributes, which a celebrity must have to be a successful endorser in an advertising campaign, are discussed more in-depth ise: belch and belch (2009) states that a spokesperson is often chosen because of their knowledge, experience, and expertise in a particular product or service area. Paragraph essay outline ibook definition essay true friendship 2014 new york bar exam essay questions 2014 new york bar exam essay questions hsc essay on youth of today in hindi kumbh song cheap coursework writing service uk hospital to kill a mockingbird essay themes and issues : november 2, 2017i love writing on gender but this historiographical essay just feels like me churning out summaries of other books & that seems g a final draft essay narrative essay about family love al essay literary definition al essay literary definition definitions leadership and management reflective essay : november 2, 2017tj really has me writing an essay in their comments on this flower shop markhyuck fic this is me thesis for e de dissertation francais premiere es research papers distance education pdf journal.

Primary data concerning whether a celebrity appearing in an advert would motivate the respondents decision to purchase, supported to findings of gardner and shuman (1986) that fifty-three percent of respondents reported that sponsorship (endorsements) increases the likelihood of brand purchase. If the communicator (celebrity) and receiver have similar needs, goals, interests and lifestyles, the position advocated by the source is better understood and lity: marketers recognise the value of using spokespeople who are admired: tv and movie stars, athletes, musicians, and other popular figures.