Causes of teenage pregnancy in south africa

This finding was contrary to the findings of previous studies that many young women have unprotected heterosexual intercourse because they feel pressured to maintain a “good” female (sexual) reputation amongst peers. The conception may occur within wedlock, or the pregnancy itself may precipitate the marriage (the so-called shotgun wedding). Welfare queens" and "teen moms": how the social construction of fertile women impacts unintended pregnancy prevention policy in the united states".

Consequences of teenage pregnancy in south africa

Allocation of eas to different stratification categories was disproportionate, that means, over-sampling or over-allocation of eas occurred in areas that were dominated by indian, coloureds or white racial groups to ensure that the minimum required sample size in those smaller race groups is obtained. Ignorance, aggravated by cultural taboos to with one’s parents, combined with real or perceived peer group pressure to engage in sexual activities, cause unnecessary heartache young women. It is worth noting that these respondents are between the ages of 18–24 years, thus it is highly unexpected that the majority of them do not understand the risks involved or how pregnancy happens particularly when taking into account number of various intervention programmes including life orientation (which was introduced in 2000) that have been r to the findings of the department of health study,22 the findings of the current study did not confirm child-support grant as a possible enticement for girls to become pregnant.

What causes teenage pregnancy in south africa

While hiv is one of the unintended consequences of unprotected sexual intercourse, pregnancy is another indicator that young people are having unprotected ce from sub-saharan africa indicates that 35% of pregnancies among 15–19 year olds were unplanned, unwanted or untimed and that the teenagers' relationships were unstable. Keep them in school: the importance of education as a protective factor against hiv infection among young south african women. However, in these societies, early pregnancy may combine with malnutrition and poor health care to cause medical used in combination, educational interventions and promotion of birth control can reduce the risk of unintended teenage pregnancies.

Causes of teenage pregnancy in africa

In support of the study findings van eijk (2007) indicated that substance abuse was long recognised as one greatest health and social problems in south africa which resulted in teenage pregnancies because teenagers engaged in sexual t making calculated decisions due to the influence of alcohol. A spokeswoman for the british pregnancy advisory service said: "contrary to popular perception, this data shows that the teenage pregnancy rate is falling dramatically in england and wales. 59] long-acting contraceptives such as intrauterine devices, subcutaneous contraceptive implants, and contraceptive injections (such as depo-provera and combined injectable contraceptive), which prevent pregnancy for months or years at a time, are more effective in women who have trouble remembering to take pills or using barrier methods ing to the encyclopedia of women's health, published in 2004, there has been an increased effort to provide contraception to adolescents via family planning services and school-based health, such as hiv prevention education.

Two factors that cause teenage pregnancy in south africa

44] the lack of education on safe sex, whether it is from parents, schools, or otherwise, is a cause of teenage pregnancy. 97] studies indicate that, internationally, success in reducing teen pregnancy rates is directly correlated with the kind of access that title x provides: “what appears crucial to success is that adolescents know where they can go to obtain information and services, can get there easily and are assured of receiving confidential, nonjudgmental care, and that these services and contraceptive supplies are free or cost very little. If so, it is unknown if the drugs themselves directly influence teenagers to engage in riskier behavior, or whether teenagers who engage in drug use are more likely to engage in sex.

Countries with low levels of teenagers giving birth accept sexual relationships among teenagers and provide comprehensive and balanced information about sexuality. Findings further revealed that 60% of the respondents started to engage in sex at 13–15 years; 48% of the teenagers’. It ted that injectable contraceptives cause weight gain and watery discharges, whilst contraceptive pills were only taken when they intercourse or only after the engagement because it could prevent them from becoming pregnant when used in that way.

And study population consisted of 103 pregnant teenagers attending antenatal care during the last weeks of june, july and august 2007 at in the capricorn district of the limpopo province. 2003, ‘low expectations, sexual attitudes and knowledge: explaining teenage pregnancy and fertility in english ts from qualitative research’, the sociological review 51, 199– adolescents in four countries in sub-saharan africa. The effects of an abusive primary partner on the condom use and sexual negotiation practices of african-american women.

Sample consisted of 100 pregnant teenagers who satisfied the inclusion criteria, their ages ranging between 13–19 years and who picked. 2007) outlines that even though a large number of teenage girls aged between 15–19 reported knowledge about methods of family planning,Contraceptive use is low. The study was the capricorn district which is central to the entire districts and it has urban, semi-urban and rural e the extensive attention given to adolescent sexuality and teenage pregnancy in the past 30 years, many teenagers were still nt (van eijk 2007).

The context and consequences of economic transactions associated with sexual relations among malian adolescents; pp. Overall trend in europe since 1970 has been a decreasing total fertility rate, an increase in the age at which women experience their first birth, and a decrease in the number of births among teenagers. Estimates of values of key indicators, significance values (p-values) and confidence intervals (95% ci) that take into account the complex design and individual sample weights were obtained.

22] most british teenage mothers live in poverty, with nearly half in the bottom fifth of the income distribution. 31][32] one study suggested that adolescent mothers are less likely to stimulate their infant through affectionate behaviors such as touch, smiling, and verbal communication, or to be sensitive and accepting toward his or her needs. Said goers interviewed were all in high school and aged between around 13 and study shows that poverty in most instances leads young girls to seek financial security from older people.