Carleton political science
Carleton students enjoy easy access to canada’s federal government and can tour parliament hill, visit the library of parliament, attend parliament when it is in session and volunteer or work for government departments and agencies located in the city. Carleton also helped ensure that completion of my degree became a reality, through its generous scholarship and bursary program.

6 credit; social inquiry, intercultural domestic studies; offered fall 2017 · richard a 210: misinformation, political rumors, and conspiracy theories why do people believe in conspiracy theories, hold on to misinformed beliefs even in the face of mounting evidence to the contrary, and/or spread political and social rumors that may have little basis in fact? We will also examine when and how political institutions can mitigate negative aspects of inequality.

6 credit; social inquiry, quantitative reasoning encounter, international studies; not offered 2017–2018 · barbara 226: political psychology this course is an introduction to political psychology, an inter-disciplinary field of study that applies psychological theory and research to the study of politics, as a theoretical alternative to rational choice models. She holds a ba in political science and psychology, as well as an ma in political science from colorado state university and an ma in political science from the university of minnesota.

Her dissertation work focuses on political disaffection and learned helplessness in contemporary political contexts related to conventional and unconventional political behavior, as well as consequential political attitudes and beliefs. What are the social, political, diplomatic and security implications of increasing populations in stagnating economies?

In the eighteenth century, kant thought that the increasingly global nature of the world requires international political institutions to guarantee peace and human rights. Finally, the third section deals with two of the most pressing issues facing the countries of the arab spring: 1) the political role of arab armed forces, 2) the integration of the long-banned islamist groups into the public sphere as legitimate political parties.

Collaborative specialization in african studies is also on’s location in the nation’s capital places you in the heart of the country’s political process, giving you unparalleled access to resources and career opportunities unavailable elsewhere in the country. Political science provides a strong foundation for such programs, and you are encouraged to pursue interests you may have in these fields after completing your undergraduate students are saying about political able to live and learn in the canadian political hub of ottawa was a great experience.

Professor cooper teaches courses in ancient and modern political a czobor-lupp ate professor of political campus: spring : willis hall : mlupp@ hours: t 3:10-5:00, w 4:30-5:30, or by class schedule (9/11/17-11/15/17):Posc 255 post-modern political thought, t th 10:10-11:55 in weitz 160 political philosophy, t th 1:15-3:00 in weitz a czobor-lupp holds a phd in government from georgetown university and a phd in philosophy from the university of bucharest (romania). Topics covered in the course include vote-buying and other forms of electoral fraud, the influence of money in campaigns, kickback schemes and governance, crony capitalism, clientelism and political machines, and varieties of accountability systems and institutional reform.

It includes american politics, comparative politics, political philosophy, international relations and world curriculum is designed to cultivate judicious and productive citizenship, as well as provide versatile skills and knowledge. 2 and 3, 1969-70; and "materials for undergraduate study of the united nations," american political science review.

This course introduces the basic concepts and tools of game theory—which is the formal representation of the strategic relationships of actors—to understand whether, how and when political actors get what they want. At the same time, historical narratives can escalate violence and deepen socio-cultural and political divisions, inequality, and oppression.

Schier's web ly smith sor of environmental studies and political : goodsell observatory : ksmith@ class schedule (9/11/17-11/15/17):Posc 271 constitutional law i, mw 11:10-12:20 & f 12:00-1:00 in willis sor smith earned her phd at the university of michigan and her law degree at the boalt school of law at the university of california at berkeley. Readings in visual theory, political psychology, and graphic representation will enable you to read images and use these powerful media to convey your ideas and research.

Myint teaches comparative political regimes, southeast asian politics, international relations & world politics, international environmental politics & policy, approaches to development, international institutions, and global social changes & sustainability. Prior to her graduate work at the university of minnesota, she worked for the national science foundation in the division of social and economic sciences and as a grant coordinator for the american educational research association.

In this course, we examine the ideological basis of what unites and divides israelis, the foundation and basic operations of israel’s political system, the voting behavior of its citizens, and the key points of focus in israel’s most heated political disputes. Burt taught part-time in the political science department at carleton as the sit investment visiting professor of asian policy from 1994 until the fall of 2013.

He was a field reporter for the lebanese broadcasting corporation (lbc) and has worked as an editorial assistant for the american political science association (apsa) perspectives on politics. It investigates the impact of individuals, group processes, political and social cognition, and political context on foreign policy decision-making.

Political science 328 will include a component on representations of foreign policy in electoral politics that contributes to our research in political science 204. All honours students are required to have a reading knowledge of another may wish to combine the bachelor of arts (honours) program in political science with another discipline, such as economics, human rights or sociology, resulting in a combined bachelor of arts (honours) degree.

Prerequisites: political science 122, ap american government, or ap us history is highly recommended 6 credit; social inquiry, international studies; offered spring 2018 · greg 232: chinese foreign policy the "rise of china" over the past thirty-five years presents challenges and opportunities for the united states and other countries around the world. We compare the legal and cultural contexts of election news coverage and advertising in these countries and analyze media effects on voter perceptions using political psychology studies based on research in the u.