Brand equity research paper
Springer, ss and ts and alised in to check le on all sales tax included if about institutional use cookies to improve your experience with our ing lettersaugust 1999, volume 10, issue 3,Pp 301–318 | cite asbrand equity, consumer learning and choiceauthorsauthors and affiliationstülin erdemjoffre swaitsusan broniarczykdipankar chakravartijean-noël kapferermichael keanejohn robertsjan-benedict e. Structural analysis of discrete data with econometric applications, cambridge, ma: mit press, 198– scholarmcfadden, daniel (1986) “the choice theory approach to market research” marketing science 5(4):275– scholarmcqueen, josh (1991), “leveraging the power of emotion in building brand equity, ” arf third annual advertising and promotion workshop, february 5– scholarmorrison, pamela d. Brand equity has generally been defined as the incremental utility with which a brand endows a product, compared to its non-branded counterpart.

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And david harding (1996) “brands versus private labels: fighting to win, ” harvard business review 74(january-february):99– scholarrangaswamy, arvind, raymond r. Russell (1991) “measuring consumer perceptions of brand quality with scanner data: implications for brand equity” marketing science institute report no 91–122 (october), cambridge, ma: marketing science scholarkamakura, wagner a. Keane (1995) “a factor-analytic model for representing the market structure in panel data, ” journal of marketing research 32(february):1– scholarerdem, tülin (1998), “an empirical analysis of umbrella branding” journal of marketing research, 35(3): 339– scholarerdem, tülin and joffre swait (1998) “brand equity as a signaling phenomenon” journal of consumer psychology 7(2):131– scholarerdem, tülin and michael keane (1996) “decision making under uncertainty: capturing dynamic brand choice processes in turbulent consumer goods markets” marketing science 15:1– scholarerdem, tülin, joffre swait and jordan louviere (1998) “the impact of a brand signal on consumer price and quality sensitivity” working paper, haas school of business, university of california at berkeley, march scholarfarquhar, p.

We amplify this definition: we propose that brand equity be the incremental effect of the brand on all aspects of the consumer's evaluation and choice process. Journal of consumer research 18, 284– scholarmanski, charles (1977) “the structure of random utility models” theory and decision 8:229– scholarmcfadden, daniel (1981) “econometric models of probabilistic choice” in c. 1995) “decision ambiguity and incumbent brand advantage” journal of consumer research 22(june):98– scholarpark, chan su and v.

You must disable the application while logging in with your system al perspectives in a global asbrand personality and consumer-based brand equity: a study among polish consumersauthorsauthors and affiliationsoleg gorbaniuktomasz sokolowskieliana markowskakamila czajkaadriana mielczarekconference pments in marketing science: proceedings of the academy of marketing series (dmspams)abstractthe aim of the research reported here was to examine thoroughly the relationship between brand personality and brand equity as perceived by consumers. We first review the advances that have occurred in brand equity research in marketing in the past decade, with particular emphasis on integrating the separate streams of research emanating from cognitive psychology and information economics. We propose an agenda of research based on this amplified equity dynamic choice consumer learning brand management brands on the internet store brands previewunable to display preview.

240 brands belonging to 48 categories were selected for the study on the basis of a survey concerning their recognition. Shocker (1996) “composite branding alliances: an investigation of extension and feedback effects, ” journal of marketing research, 33(november): 453– scholarquelch, john a. Han, and yugi ijiri (1991) “recognizing and measuring brand assets” marketing science report no 91–119 (july) cambridge: marketing science scholargönül, füsun and kannan srinivasan (19966), “estimating the impact of consumer expectations of coupons on purchase behavior: a dynamic structural model, ” marketing science 15(3):262– scholarhensher, david, jordan louviere and joffre swait (1999) “combining sources of preference data” journal of econometrics,87(1–2): scholarhoch, stephen j.

And university of sity of sity of colorado at york lian graduate school of ic university of this article as:Kluwer academic ts and alised in to check ted access to the full e local sales tax if the whole of about institutional use cookies to improve your experience with our ing lettersaugust 1999, volume 10, issue 3,Pp 301–318 | cite asbrand equity, consumer learning and choiceauthorsauthors and affiliationstülin erdemjoffre swaitsusan broniarczykdipankar chakravartijean-noël kapferermichael keanejohn robertsjan-benedict e. And young-won ha (1986) “consumer learning: advertising and the ambiguity of product experience” journal of consumer research 13(october):221– scholarkamakura, wagner a. Shanker and dipankar chakravarti (1999) “memory measures for pretesting advertising: a conceptual framework and a diagnostic template, ” journal of consumer psychology, 8, 1, 1– scholarlouviere, jordan and joffre swait (1996) “searching for regularities in choice processes (or the little constant that could)”, working paper, dept.

Springer, ss and ts and alised in to check le on all sales tax included if about institutional use cookies to improve your experience with our al perspectives in a global asbrand personality and consumer-based brand equity: a study among polish consumersauthorsauthors and affiliationsoleg gorbaniuktomasz sokolowskieliana markowskakamila czajkaadriana mielczarekconference pments in marketing science: proceedings of the academy of marketing series (dmspams)abstractthe aim of the research reported here was to examine thoroughly the relationship between brand personality and brand equity as perceived by consumers. Biel, brand equity & advertising: advertising's role in building strong brands, hillsdale, nj, lawrence scholarkrishnan, h. Canonical correlation analysis indicated a connection between the dimensions of brand personality and brand equity.

Russell (1993) “measuring brand value with scanner data” international journal of research in marketing 10(1):9–22google scholarkapferer, jean-noel (1997) strategic brand management: creating and sustaining brand equity long term (2nd edition) london: kogan scholarkeller, kevin l. Alba (1994b), “the importance of the brand in brand extension, ” journal of marketing research, 31 (may):214– scholarcarpenter, gregory s. Product category turned out to be a moderator of the relationship between brand equity and brand wunable to display preview.

Seenu srinivasan (1994) “a survey-based method for measuring and understanding brand equity and extendibility” journal of marketing research 21:271– scholarpark, c. Steenkampflorian ctthe aim of this paper is to explore the links between brand equity, consumer learning and consumer choice processes in general and considering two recent trends in the market place: store brands and the internet. Shanker (1996) “characteristics of memory associations: a consumer-based brand equity perspective” international journal of research in marketing 13:389– scholarkrishnan, h.