Bmc medical research methodology
Speed of publicationbmc medical research methodology offers a fast publication schedule whilst maintaining rigorous peer review; all articles must be submitted online, and peer review is managed fully electronically (articles are distributed in pdf form, which is automatically generated from the submitted files). Bmc research notes is overseen by a professional proceedingsbmc proceedings publishes proceedings of conferences, including peer-reviewed full-length articles, collections of meeting abstracts and meeting reports across all scientific and clinical disciplines. From bmc medical research methodology are provided here courtesy of biomed are working on a new version of this page and we'd like your an early preview sion 3-step submission you’ve identified a journal to submit to, there are a few things you should be familiar with before you sure you are submitting to the most suitable tand the costs and funding sure your manuscript is accurate and readable.

You can also access all articles published by biomed central on medical research methodology has an impact factor of manuscripts submitted to bmc medical research methodology should adhere to biomed central's editorial er nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional s and s who wish to appeal a rejection or make a complaint should, in the first instance, contact the editor who will provide details of the journal's complaints articles in bmc medical research es in bmc medical research methodology should be cited in the same way as articles in a traditional journal. Indexed e, pubmedcentral, scopus, embase, chemical abstracts service (cas), google scholar, academic onefile, current abstracts, current contents, ebsco academic search, ebsco biomedical reference collection, ebsco cinahl, ebsco pharmacy collection: india, ebsco stm source, ebsco toc premier, health reference center academic, oclc, scimago, summon by proquest, thomson reuters (isi). The journal supports the research community across all scientific and clinical disciplines by providing an open access forum for sharing data and useful information; this includes, but is not limited to, updates to previous work, additions to established methods, short publications, null results, case series, research proposals and data management plans.

Further information about open access can be found authors of articles published in bmc medical research methodology you are the copyright holders of your article and have granted to any third party, in advance and in perpetuity, the right to use, reproduce or disseminate your article, according to the biomed central license those of you who are us government employees or are prevented from being copyright holders for similar reasons, biomed central can accommodate non-standard copyright lines. Bmc-series bmc series is a collection of high-quality, peer-reviewed journals covering all areas of biology and medicine, focusing on the needs of the research communities which they bmc series:offers an efficient and fair peer review serviceprovides a home for all publishable research within the seriesinnovates in approaches to peer review and publicationpromotes transparency and open researchpartners with our authors, editors and reviewers to make scientific knowledge widely availablepublish with the bmc series to make connections across the research journalsthe subject-specific journalsmost of the journals in the bmc series focus on a subject or discipline, such as bmc evolutionary biology or bmc public health. Tutorial on pilot studies: the what, why and thabane, jinhui ma, rong chu, ji cheng, afisi ismaila, lorena p rios, reid robson, marroon thabane, lora giangregorio and charles h hed on: 6 january case study crowe, kathrin cresswell, ann robertson, guro huby, anthony avery and aziz hed on: 27 june ing a sample size for studies with repeated guo, henrietta l logan, deborah h glueck and keith e hed on: 31 july medical research methodology is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in methodological approaches to healthcare research.

She joined springer nature in usly she was managing director of portland press and group head of publishing for the biochemical society, and has also held senior positions at mac keith press, blackwell publishing, lippincott williams & wilkins and thomson you have a concern or question which cannot be resolved with the individual journal editor or which is about the bmc series as a whole, then please do contact er discountif you review for a journal in the bmc series then you are entitled to a 15% discount on the article processing charge for your next submission to the bmc series. Each collection is published as a supplement and is handled by a supplement editor, in line with the standards required for the bmc series. Further information about the advantages of publishing in a journal from biomed central, please click up to article medical research use cookies to improve your experience with our information about our cookie policy.

Bmc medical research methodology does not aim to publish articles describing scientific methods or techniques: these should be directed to the bmc journal covering the relevant biomedical subject articles published by bmc medical research methodology are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication, without subscription charges or registration barriers. Specific criteria for other article types can be found in the submission flagshipsbmc biology and bmc medicine are highly selective journals, publishing articles of special importance and broad interest. Core dimensions are measured such as the number of active components in an intervention and the level of skill required by those delivering and receiving the ed blog: clinical trials in the twenty first century – highlights from ictmc y goodwin, central attended the 4th international clinical trials methodology conference (ictmc) and the 38th annual meeting for the society for clinical trials (sct) in liverpool at the beginning of may.

Bmc medical research methodology does not aim to publish articles describing scientific methods or techniques: these should be directed to the bmc journal covering the relevant biomedical subject set of journals have been ranked according to their sjr and divided into four equal groups, four quartiles. Articles will be published with their final citation after acceptance, in both fully browsable web form, and as a formatted ilityonline publication in bmc medical research methodology gives you the opportunity to publish large datasets, large numbers of color illustrations and moving pictures, to display data in a form that can be read directly by other software packages so as to allow readers to manipulate the data for themselves, and to create all relevant links (for example, to pubmed, to sequence and other databases, and to other articles). Oversight for the journal is provided by a professional peopleeditors and editorial boards on the subject-specific journalseach of the subject-specific journals in the bmc series has a professional editor employed by biomed central.

To find the editor of a journal, please see the journal editors work closely with academics across the research community. The editors work with teams of academic associate editors on peer-review and editorial decision ne black - global head of publishing, bmc seriescaroline has responsibility for the bmc series of community-focused, inclusive, open access journals. Bmc medical research methodology does not aim to publish articles describing scientific methods or techniques: these should be directed to the bmc journal covering the relevant biomedical subject medical research methodology is part of the bmc series which publishes subject-specific journals focused on the needs of individual research communities across all areas of biology and medicine.

Studies must be scientifically valid; for research articles this includes a scientifically sound research question, the use of suitable methods and analysis, and following community-agreed standards relevant to the research ic criteria for other article types can be found in the submission series - open, inclusive and volumes & analysis, statistics and considerations and analysis planning of a phase 2a proof of concept study in rheumatoid arthritis in the presence of possible analysis, statistics and response models for the longitudinal analysis of health-related quality of life in cancer clinical analysis, statistics and ting the multi-domain progression of parkinson’s disease: a bayesian multivariate generalized linear mixed-effect e abstracts by er for journal a volume or enter a valid issue and/or enter a valid issue for this content on this content on this content on medical research 1 / 2001 - volume 17 / er for journal ript of medicine/tical theory and tics for life sciences, medicine, health view the rest of this content please follow the download pdf link use cookies to improve your experience with our 10 million scientific documents at your ss and ne & public cal science and international er international publishing ag. Each journal has a professional editor who is the main point of contact and has overall editorial responsibility for the journal, working closely with a group of senior academics, the section bmc-series subject-specific journals do not make editorial decisions on the basis of the interest of a study or its likely impact. You can get recognition for it by publishing a data note in bmc research ed article: a new tool for assessing the complexity of interventions within systematic intervention complexity assessment tool for systematic reviews (icat_sr) is a new tool to assess and categorise levels of intervention complexity in systematic reviews.

Part of springer y policy, disclaimer, general terms & er for research & ript is currently disabled, this site works much better if you enable javascript in your are working on a new version of this page and we'd like your an early preview medical research methodology is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in methodological approaches to healthcare research. Contact details can be found on each journal research notesbmc research notes publishes scientifically valid research outputs that cannot be considered as full research or methodology articles. Language editing tand the copyright give your manuscript the best chance of publication, follow these policies and formatting medical research methodology publishes the following article types:Technical advance the relevant link to find style and formatting information for the article you are going to l formatting rules for all article types.

International ational collaboration accounts for the articles that have been produced by researchers from several countries. Bmc medical research methodology does not aim to publish articles describing scientific methods or techniques: these should be directed to the bmc journal covering the relevant biomedical subject dirk krüger, biomed centralsection editorstimothy beebe, university of minnesotachiu-hsieh (paul) hsu, university of arizonaroberta scherer, johns hopkins bloomberg school of public y beebe, section y beebe is mayo professor and head, division of health policy and management, school of public health, university of minnesota. And press coveragearticles published in bmc medical research methodology are included in article alerts and regular email updates.