Asian social science
22, september tment for ational journal of asian social ational journal of asian social ctions to d/abstracted ctions for ophical and communication ional ational ate ations and resource issn: issn: 5 - index : 34 (google scholar)euclidian citation score: 12.

The scope of the journal includes:Philosophical and communication ional ational ate ations and resource ial objectives and coverageijass accepts submissions from different regions of the world and aims to publish articles that can be both applied and theoretical from the fields of social sciences.

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Journal of asian social science is a monthly, peer-reviewed international research journal that deals with both applied and theoretical issues.

Ght © 2016 asian economic and social tment for ational journal of asian social ational journal of asian social ctions to d/abstracted ctions for ophical and communication ional ational ate ations and resource issn: issn: 5 - index : 34 (google scholar)euclidian citation score: 12.

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Rankingscountry rankingsviz toolshelpabout t area and categoryarts and humanitiesarts and humanities (miscellaneous)economics, econometrics and financeeconomics, econometrics and finance (miscellaneous)social sciencessocial sciences (miscellaneous).

Ght © 2016 asian economic and social ucing -governmental ation of asian social science research ation of asian social science research ives and mission: established in 1973 as a forum to promote the exchange of information among social scientists working in encourage exchange of scholars among research promote research opportunities for young social foster joint research projects between individuals and l description: regional symposium and special panel discussions during general conferences on selected ch projects, currently on management practices of water ng programmes and research centres for women’s studies in y presence: australiamacao, chinademocratic people's republic of koreafield of interest: child labour, cultural heritage, culture, development, drugs, education for peace, environment, equal opportunities, girl child, globalization, hiv/aids, literacy, poverty, social sciences, teacher education, tourism, world heritage safeguarding, ucing -governmental ation of asian social science research ation of asian social science research ives and mission: established in 1973 as a forum to promote the exchange of information among social scientists working in encourage exchange of scholars among research promote research opportunities for young social foster joint research projects between individuals and l description: regional symposium and special panel discussions during general conferences on selected ch projects, currently on management practices of water ng programmes and research centres for women’s studies in y presence: australiamacao, chinademocratic people's republic of koreafield of interest: child labour, cultural heritage, culture, development, drugs, education for peace, environment, equal opportunities, girl child, globalization, hiv/aids, literacy, poverty, social sciences, teacher education, tourism, world heritage safeguarding, science es in asian social is devoted to publishing research papers for students, technicians and professors to share advances in asian social science.

However, approval to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the e timethe average time between submission and final decision is 35 working days and the average time between acceptance and final publication is 30 to 40 at the article leveleach paper published in international journal of asian social science is assigned a doi number, click here to know what is doi (digital object identifier).

Readers for authors for e publication social science (ass) is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed, open-access journal published by the canadian center of science and education.

The basic objective of the ijass is to promote research on new advances in the fields of social sciences.

Target marketbeing an international journal, the natural audience for ijass includes students, academics, researchers, policy-makers, regulators, standard-setters and professionals in the fields of social sciences.