An argumentative essay on gay marriage
If one believes in religious freedom, the recognition that opposition to gay marriage is based on religious arguments is reason enough to discount this argument. And lesbian unions have been for a long time a subject that no one liked to discuss.

Full marriage rights have existed in many dutch cities for several years, and it was recently made legal nationwide, including the word "marriage" to describe it. Some of those benefits include "tax filing status, joint ownership of property, insurance benefits" (messerli, par.

Proponents of gay marriage argue that rights based solely on sexuality is akin to the segregation in the south. Lots and lots of scientific studies have shown that the outcomes of the children raised in the homes of gay and lesbian couples are just as good as those of straight couples.

And that’s where we need to ’s assume that same-sex marriage eventually becomes the norm in america. The legalization of the marriage between gays and lesbians will decrease the polygamy and adultery.

However, thousands of researches have been done over half a century to prove that homosexuality has a biological causation. The metropolitan community church is a church for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer spiritual community….

It seems to me that if the straight community cannot show a compelling reason to deny the institution of marriage to gay people, it shouldn't be denied. He also states that marriage is the only place in which sex may take place.

Alaska voters approved an amendment to ban same-sex marriages in t was the first state to recognize civil unions between same-sex couples in 2000 while that same year nebraska voted to ban these marriages. I might get stuck on the 3 essays portion but i'm going to follow questions on leadership styles zapperson self introduction essay high school writing contests for high school students 2015 book persuasive essay outline on abortion yahoo dissertation writer software hacked descriptive essay definition pdf kindergarten essay on chivalry king arthur xlr.

The institution of marriage as it is practiced in the real world is a culturally defined institution, not biblically defined, as a reading of the above quotation should make quite clear, and it is high time we recognize and face up to the cold reality that cultural values have changed since the bible was written, and the institution of marriage has changed along with it. If same-sex couples enter a civil union they are denied equal access to all the benefits, rights, and privileges provided federal law to married couples.

They are almost all gone because of the state constitutional amendments and because a lot of courts have acted already. However, debaters say that hundreds of thousands of children all over the nation, live with single gay parents, or homosexual parents that do have a partner.

It just means that you can be ranked among those who “don’t know/are neutral/have no answer/other” (underline what applicable). I haven't lived through many situations evolving same sex marriage but i have had many long conversations with many various types of people about this exact topic.

Second of all, there is no logical connection between gay marriage and all of these other things. The issues of health insurance, death and survivor benefits, and the right to file their income tax as married are just a few of the issues they seek to rectify.

Few final general ver side you take, you should try to stick to the following:Stay humane and polite: your opinion cannot offense any other side of this argument;. And i’m the first to agree, gay marriage is a significant change; it’s a big change.

So perhaps we should accept the fact that someone else has already done the "experiment" and accept the results as positive. The fact that many churches are not willing to accept this evidence says more about the churches than it does about gay marriage.

The reality is that homosexuality is multidimensional, and is much more about love and affection than it is about sex. So if straights are entitled to special treatment for being married, gays are, in theory at least, due those same treatments under the 14th to deal with this pesky issue of equal protection of the law that just won't seem to go away, the anti's have formulated a strategy.

I see an opportunity to join in the most healthgiving, beneficial social institution that’s ever been invented by humanity. Some countries in africa and asia consider homosexual as a crime and offender may receive death penalty.