2page research proposal
Because this is a separate project outside of our required curriculum, these classes do not count toward bme graduation ng in the summer or fall of your senior year, you work with a faculty member on a year-long research project. The research report and any additional work required by the research sponsor must be submitted in time to allow for grading from the sponsor.

Two page research proposal
Give an oral presentation of your research at an approved venue (bme seminar or unc celebration of undergraduate research). Senior honors thesis is an independent research project that is related to bme and separate from your senior design project.

In the spring, you complete the research and writes the thesis, which is like a mini-master’s thesis. If you miss the deadline, you will receive a grade of in (incomplete) for the enrolled in bmme 495, deadline for grading: the last day the research sponsor can submit a grade for bmme 495 is the last day of the final exam period.
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Are not paid a salary by your research advisor (this requirement only applies to research done on campus). It also includes a 2-page single spaced research proposal that should be in the general format of a research proposal (intro, specific aims, research plan, etc.

You present the work to a committee of three faculty members, one of whom would be the research advisor. Weeks before the first day of the first day of final 395 — research in biomedical course will appear on your transcript and count toward your gpa but it does not count toward bme graduation requirements.

You can obtain a waiver from this requirement if you can demonstrate that you have presented your work at a national conference, or if you have submitted an abstract to a national conference to present your work in the near your thesis defense, you will conduct an oral, public presentation; take questions during and after the presentation; and then your committee will debate on whether you: 1) do not pass; 2) pass with honors; or 3) pass with highest onal details will be distributed to rising seniors each ces (see above for additional information). He or she emails the student services coordinator with the graded report and completed enrolled in bmme 395, deadline for grading: the last day the research sponsor can submit a grade for bmme 395 is the last day of the final exam period.

If your research advisor is a bme faculty member, then you will be registered in a section under their name. If you miss the deadline, you will receive a grade of in (incomplete) for the 495 — undergraduate research in bme as a technical course can count toward your graduation requirements as one of your four bme technical electives.

You must present your thesis research at the unc celebration of undergraduate research, organized by the unc office of undergraduate research and typically held in april each year. This must be completed and signed by both the student and research 395 rubric for all research classes.

This should be in the general format of a research proposal (intro, specific aims, research plan, etc. Are procedures for getting academic credit for nes to enroll in these research opportunities are:Spring (for fall enrollment.
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If you miss the deadline, you will receive a grade of in (incomplete) for the 691h/692h — senior honors thesis in biomedical engineering. Program ulum & chresearch ic credit for ambassadors program: unc at chapel cements and authentication prevention identity broker raduate program or of undergraduate ee@t services ic credit for is possible to get academic credit in bmhe for research done during the fall or spring semesters if the following criteria are met:You are a student in the bmhe research must be bme-related (your research advisor does not have to be a faculty member in the bme department).

The designation of “highest honors” is reserved for students who have submitted, or your pi confirms that you have plans to submit your research to a peer-reviewed l requirements:You must complete an original and substantial research project under direct supervision by a faculty must have a 3. The research report, oral presentation, and any additional work required by the research sponsor must be submitted in time to allow for grading from the sponsor.

If you miss the deadlines, then you will not be able to register for bmme 495 that the end of the semester:During finals week, you submit a final research report to your research advisor, in the general format of a scientific paper (intro, methods, results, discussion). Students who fail to raise their gpas to meet the standard at the end of the probationary semester may not continue as candidates for graduation with honors or highest must enroll in bmme 691h (fall) and 692h (spring).
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You may take this course only submit an application for bmme 395:You write a 2-page single spaced research proposal and the research advisor approves it. Complete and sign the research contract (see resources below) and give it to your research advisor for their email both #1 and #2 to the student services these documents are approved, the student services coordinator will register you for bmme 395.
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You may take this course only once, but you may take bmme 395 as preparation for this submit an application for bmme 495:Complete the bmme 495 application (see resources below) and get the appropriate parts signed by your research advisor. Otherwise, you will be registered in a section under the director of undergraduate ne to enroll in bmme 395: due dates for the proposal and contracts are outlined in the table the end of the semester:During finals week, you submit a 4-page research report to their research advisor, in the general format of a scientific paper (intro, methods, results, discussion).